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SD got back to the trash can she was birthed from! You won't believe it!

mcnat's picture

Sorry it's been a while since i've written, things have been rather hectic. Here's an update on my step parenting experience. We got custody April 18, 2008 because the biological mother is a piece of shit. We've had all kinds of issues to where she finally ended up getting supervised visitations. She still continued drinking and made our lives hell every chance she got. She told our original custody lawyer that she would get even with my husband by having my step daughter (who is 14 now) say that her father molested her. WELL on April 18, 2011 (look at the dates) brianna goes to school and tells EVERYBODY (teachers, counselors, police, cps, one friend even said she was shouting it up and down the hall) that my husband had molested her the night before. I was in and out of that room all night from 9:30 - 11:30, our bedroom door does not lock and my 3 year old son was not only in the room at the time but in the bed where this supposably happened. The school calls her biological mom (the alcoholic with supervised visits) but they do not release her to her because that would be kidnapping. Instead, I pick Brianna up as usual after school and bring her to the house. Before we even leave the school parking lot she has me pull over she can tell me what has happened. At first i'm furious and ready to kill my husband then i start piecing things together (like the date, the fact that details don't add up, and that her story keeps changing). I immidiately call our custody lawyer who advises us to get a criminal lawyer and to put brianna back in an institution because she is obviously sick. Brianna fights tooth and nail so instead i take her to a friends house. The cops and CPS pick her up from there but LEAVE my step son and biological son with me. We later find her journal where she talks about how she will do or say anything to get to go live with her "mother" how she wants to have an orgy, go skinny dipping, steal little boys clothes from walmart, shoot acid, trip ecstacy, and RAPE SOMEONE!!!!!!!!!!! By this time she is already at her mother's house. Two days later CPS comes back to the house to take the boys because they are all in danger. The mother has taken her to make a false police report that could have possibly had my husband thrown in jail for 2 - 20 years. Well, as it turns out my stepson said that he was also molested by his father the week prior and that a month ago i had wiped his genitals after he had wet the bed. (None of this is true and for those of you that know anything about pedophilia, pedophiles generally prefer a certain sex or at least a certain age bracket - the step son is 9 and the step daughter is 14 and both are saying they were molested by their father for the first time ever in the same week after we had had custody for 3 years) well, they end up leaving the boys with me but force my husband to leave the house. The next day they come back to the house, take my step son to foster care, go and get brianna and take her to foster care, and my son goes to my mother. This went on for 6 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!! My husband moved back home and we steadily went through her facebook messages and found she had been soliciting herself for sex 2 days after this "molestation" while she was in the "care" of her "mother". She told her foster parents that she made the abuse up! We had a letter from our original custody lawyer stating everything that the biological mother had done during the past 3 years and how she had threatened that she would have brianna say this. We had another letter from her therapist who treated her in a psych hospital in January (the little twerp was stealing my pills - the "mother" knew and didn't say anything because she didn't think it was our business) that she is overly sexual and has self gratifying behavior that is damaging. He also stated that while she was in their care her father visited every day and showed nothing but love and support and that it was more believable that she concocted this story to get even with us and told her brother he had better go along with it. He recommended she be placed in long term theraputic care. YET ANOTHER therapist wrote the same thing about her and also included that she had reported to him 2 other incidences of sexual abuse, not by my husband but by a kid at school (we later found out they were boyfriend/ girlfriend), and by one of her mother's boyfriend's. (The mother denied that that had ever happened, but as soon as this child/malicious teenager says my husband did something to her she's all on that band wagon) there is also a 19 year old sitting in jail right now for having sex with her. That's 4 people in 3 years!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So how does this story end you might ask???? The D.A. refused to press charges. My two step children got returned to their alcoholic mother and step father who are letting the 9 year old ride on motorcycles and taking him to biker bars/clubs. When we reported this to CPS our caseworker (that's another issue altogether, she thinks these people are saints) said they will look into it but essentially take the woman's word that the club they are taking the children to does not serve alcohol. My son was returned to my husband and myself. That in itself makes no sense what so ever to me. If they thought my husband was a child molester why give back the 3 year old and take away the 9 and 14 yr old. We had court Thursday, it did not go well, we have to pay an outrageous amount in child support because "it is a hardship to have to support these kids" (we did it for 3 years, first 8 months NO support, last 2 years and 4 months $260 a month). My visitation with my step son has been terminated until his therapist says different because all of a sudden he is afraid of me. Brianna has since written the judge (wonder who put that idea in her head) requesting my husband's parental rights to her be terminated. She does not wish to see him, and he "violated" her but yet her mother lets her ride in the car to drop my step son off at the supervised visitations and does not stop her from making rude gestures and faces at my husband. Now, i'm sorry but if my kid said someone hurt him i would not take him ANYWHERE NEAR where I KNEW that person was going to be! So that right there should say that she knows the girl's story is a pile of crap or that she just doesn't care and is emotionally damaging her. Now for the even better part. This child (sd14) has flushed my son's head in a toilet, locked him in closets numerous times, punched and slapped him in the face, hit him with hard back books, and told him the day before he had dental surgery that the dentist was going to stick a CHAIN SAW in his mouth. I reported all of this to CPS this go around with them. (His ex calls on us if the kids socks are mismatched and everytime it's been unfounded) When the ex wife called CPS on us in December and they came out, I told them what she had been doing to my 3 year old (she had even stripped him naked and wrote all over his body - her and 5 of her friends, when i saw what had happened i put him in a pull up and took a picture, our current custody lawyer has that picture now). anyhow, i told them all that she had been doing and how BOTH boys were getting unexplained bruises and begged them to get her out of my home and they told me they couldn't do anything. My husband didn't realize how bad it was until she finally did this to him, now he's understanding that i wasn't crazy, she is sick! What i'm writing here isn't even half of what she's done! Well, anyhow back to what i was saying, she whined to CPS that she misses her brother and wants to see him so now we are court ordered to let her and my son visit with each other twice monthly at the CPS office! Since she has been out of the house he is now potty trained (he's almost 4, he was afraid of the toilet) he sleeps in his own bed, he know longer has night terrors, and is making leaps and bounds of progress. When his sister's name is brought up he becomes visibly shaken and says he does not want to see her because she hurts him. Do they care about that, no they care about the lies that a malicious teenager has concocted that almost ruined my husband's life and has me in a constant state of despair, wondering what's going to happen next? It's like one day i wake up and everything is fine then that same night police and CPS workers are running all over our property. I'm a complete basket case! I miss my step son and want him home badly but also know that he has been thoroughly brainwashed by that bitch of an ex wife and SD and that if he were to come back and live with us, we would be going through this all over again within a 6 month time frame. The system has let these kids down more than they will ever know. My step son was 6 years old when he came to live with us and was barely potty trained (accidents EVERY DAY) and could barely speak, my step daughter had nightmares of her mother's boyfriend's climbing on her (that i do believe is real) and both kids had headlice so bad the school nurse said it was the worst case she had seen in 20 years. We had to bug bomb the house twice, throw all their clothes away and buy new because they reeked of urine, cat piss, and smoke, and this is what my stepdaughter wanted to go back to. Any idiot can see that this has been so perfectly planned it's a set up so now what will probably happen is my step son will stick to his story that he's afraid of me, so that when CPS closes their case he won't be allowed over night visits. Her husband is retiring from the military in less than a year, this was a ploy to get kids they don't want so that his ex wife can punish my husband, get a butt load of child support, then move away and he won't see his son again until he's 18. I know I shouldn't hate that step daughter of mine but I do, and as for the ex wife, she knows we know that she and brianna concocted this scheme so they could get what they wanted and she knows exactly how i feel about her. }:) As for CPS, they've placed 2 children with 2 alcoholics who are faking the funk right now or managing not to get caught drinking and as soon as the case is closed they will go back to drinking and fist fights and everything else. When we tried to explain to CPS that this was a bad placement because of the drinking they said "we have the police reports from their home." (4 since 2009!) Ok, I'm done for now, but if anybody is really interested in how this story developed from beginning to end i kept a journal for 3 years detailing the hell we went through. I plan on getting it published one of these days... lol (thought i'd end on a funny note)


discouraged's picture

This is so crazy - and I feel so so bad for you all! I'm not in your shoes so I can say this but who the hell knows what I would do if I were in your shoes. I would say screw it-pay the hellacious child support, hopefully it will drop in 4 years. The BM already has the kids brainwashed, I feel bad for them but sadly as is my case the kid would rather live in shit because it's there "normalcy" than a real, loving home. You can't trust ANY of them and why put your baby through this-I understand that the Skids are his children too but they (at least the sd) have ruined the relationship for now. If once they are 18 and what to visit so be it, but don't bail em out of the crappy existance as adults if they don't see the errors of the way they were raised! Good Luck to you!!

mcnat's picture

we will help SS out later on in life if he isn't too completely screwed in the head but as far as SD, DH and i are on the same page, in a few years when she's hooked on drugs even worse than she is now and has a bun in the oven and shows up at our door, we're calling the police. She's dangerous. Unfortunately she is too young to be accurately diagnosed as a sociopath, but it would not surprise one bit if in a few years they do give her that label.