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the drama never ends

mcnat's picture

So now not only can DH and I not separate temporarily because of all the drama that is going on, we can't get a new case worker, AND as it turns out the case worker mis informed us when she told us we could go to PA at the end of July for 3 weeks. Now CPS wants to make sure the judge is ok with it. I swear if i could go back in time before SD14 was conceived, i would kick my husband in the nuts so hard his equipment wouldn't work for a month, therefore there would be no SD and there would be no drama with CPS and our lives being put on hold. Am i wrong for wishing this child had never been born? We tried to get her out of a bad situation and give her a better life, she would be getting a car next year, we would have paid for her college (of course everytime we mention college she said she would rather McDonald's). Her and her brother had so many opportunities and she made the choice to throw both of their opportunities away. I guess it's true, you can't change trash. I'm just tired of it all, I want CPS out of my life and i want egg donor and those kids to just disappear.


Gracefulsilver's picture

OMG....I can so relate.  Unfortunately we have to be realistic.  It's not going to all go away overnight.