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Score One for Me! DH is Trying very Hard!

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Score One for Me! DH is Trying very Hard!
Submitted by MarriedaBalless... on Tue, 03/05/2013 - 10:26pm
So, today Fatass SS16 was complaining that he is getting sick with a cold. All the kid does is literally sit or lay every moment he is not in school. He has done this for all the almost 10 years I've been around.

A Little Back ground.

Six years ago I got 2 back to back bouts of pneumonia. It trashed my lungs. My right lung was stuck together and collapsed for almost 5 years. I still only have 37% lung function. For almost 5 years I only had 30% lung function and was literally fighting to stay alive. My pulmonologist said that if I lost 10% more lung function I will need a lung transplant.

Anway, up until my VOLCANIC BLOW up last fall the kids has been shoved on me for HUNDREDS of days extra. BM never wanted her own kids around, even though she never works. She just wanted to go play. She used to call the house and leave me shitty messages and call me a gold-digger, etc and my DH just let her. He was afraid to confront her. She used me as free day care. If the school called because one of the kids were faking sick she would not answer her phone. They would call DH and DH would make me do it even when it wasn't our days to have them. That happened about 15 times. She never once thanked me.

My DH would insist I could take them. He would never even ask me. So, I had to cook, clean, do laundry and clean up messes and dog shit. It was all I could do to get up and down the stairs most days. I cannot tell you how much I struggled. Just thinking about it fills me with anger, sadness and despair. If I laid in bed my DH would ask me what I did all day...!

One day my Sister was in town and I couldn't breath so I was waiting for her to come take me to the emergency room. My stepson's dog had shit all over the entry by the front door. The skids just stepped over it and LEFT IT FOR ME TO CLEAN when I got home from the ER. They both just flopped down on the couch and turned on the TV. I told them to clean it up but the ignored me.

So back to Fatass, so Fatass is of course laying on the couch saying how sick he is, blah' blah, blah. These kids have never had chores before, but ever since my blow up they do help with the dishes from time to time. I told my DH that I didn't give a shit that Fatass is sick. He can do the dishes. No one gave me a damn break and I had a collapsed lung. LOL, then he made Fatass come do the dishes. I was giddy and I walked away and came up to my room with my dogs.

Slowly but surely DH is getting it!