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As Expected: BM's medical emergency on our skid-free weekend

Madam Hedgehog's picture


BM has the kids this weekend and took them to the other side of the state to see her family.


Well, of course, SS5 has eczema and BM never does anything about it, so SS5 is constantly chapped and has splitting skin on his hands.

BM doesn't even have medicine for it because SHE DOES NOT CARE.

However, now that she is with family, she is making a huge thing about it (I'm sure someone noticed, and she had to respond by flying into super-mom mode).

So, she's been texting DH nonstop for two hours with random questions about his medicine (which we DO HAVE because actually try to fix the eczema issue when we have him).

I am not DRIVING TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE G*DDAMN STATE so that she can pretend to be supermom. Every time we get him back from her, the skin on his hands is either scaly or literally split from eczema. She never notices or does anything about it.

But now that she has an audience, evil DH is stockpiling the medicine and poor SS is in PAIN and oh, god, BM is the victim of this bad, bad, bad broken home situation.


Kes's picture

BM once insisted we take SD16 to casualty (ER) at 10.30pm on our Saturday because SD16 had a minor skin rash. Usually, as with yours, she doesn't care.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Yah SS's BM is the opposite. She takes him to the Dr Everytime he coughs. Lol. No wonder he's such a sissy. Wink

Madam Hedgehog's picture

Yeah, BM only notices health situations with the kids when it suits her needs.

SS2 had HORRIFIC allergies and wheezed when he breathed until he was 2 and a half when I finally got fed up and we took him off all dairy products at our house.

This kid sounded Darth Vader with a head cold for the first 2 years of his life. 24/7. His face was literally covered in snot. He woke up at night because he couldn't breathe through all the mucous.

BM didn't care.

Well, we found out he an a dairy issue and he cleared up within a week.

She still refuses to comply with the dietary changes, so whenever we get him back from one of her weekends he is a wheezy snot monster again.