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SS or SD or *gasp* both are coming this weekend...?

LRP75's picture

I am NOT happy about this!

First, my H has not made the schedule the way he is supposed to so that I can know, in advance, when the skids are coming.

Second, I asked him if he could please only have SD. His response? "That wouldn't really be fair because I had her last." Ugg. F*ck.

Third, I asked him, if he plans on having SS - where he intends on being with him for the weekend, because *remember* I do NOT want that little shit and the spineless wonder my H becomes in MY house. I REFUSE to be treated like crap in my own home. In response to my question, my H just said, "I don't know."

Last, I now feel like throwing up at the thought of having to see SS this coming weekend. The thought of all the f*cking drama this kid brings gives me so much anxiety. He's such a little asshole and my H does NOTHING about it. Blows my mind.

I hope my H realizes that I am dead serious about him going to spend the weekend elsewhere when he has SS.

I suppose, in a perfect world, right? The reality is: he doesn't really have anywhere to take him. The in-laws don't want anything to do with SS either, and for the same reasons.

Maybe my H just needs to plan a day-trip out to SS's town. He can spend the day with him there and then come back home.

Either way, I am going to try my damndest to stick to my guns on this one.

Oh, and don't even get me going on if he intends on having BOTH of the skids. All Holy Hell will break-loose in this house. Those two kids together are a total f*cking nightmare. :sick:


starfish's picture

welcome to my world. i consider it "special little surprises" ~ seriously how the fuck do they not know who's coming who's not and wtf they plan on doing????

however, i'm just the opposite, even though i HATE HATE HATE both skids, i can take ss's presence over sd's ~ again they both suck balls, but i guess i hate sd a bit more.

LRP75's picture

"however, i'm just the opposite, even though i HATE HATE HATE both skids, i can take ss's presence over sd's ~ again they both suck balls, but i guess i hate sd a bit more."

Hahahaa... yeah, SD isn't really a "picnic," but I will take her over SS. Biggrin