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H is finally putting up photos of the skids in our home...

LRP75's picture

We have lived here since the beginning of May. He kept talking about how pictures of the skids needed to be put up. Like I was supposed to do it or something? Yeah right. I saved him a shelf in our entertainment center rather than filling it with books. What more does he want? Haha. So tomorrow is my Grad Party and our House Warming Party... well, out comes the box of pictures of the skids.


Oh well, it was nice while it lasted and I supposed that a skid-picture-free home lasted long enough.

Let me just say that, even looking at a picture of my SS makes my blood pressure rise. He is such a turd. :sick:

I think I'll go take a bath. I can't watch MY entertainment center be defiled this way.


bi's picture

i'm so sorry. i know just how those pics make you feel. thank God, fdh isn't a picture person. i told him years ago that if he wanted pics of his abomination put up, give them to me, i will get frames and put them up. not because i wanted to, but because i'm a picture person and the walls have my kids all over them. i had to be fair, don't you know! he never gave me any and i never asked again. her senior picture was on our entertainment center, because i was being "fair", but the frame broke. }:) (yes, it really did). oh well, i put the picture away and threw the frame in the garbage and that was that. i have pics of my niece up, but the only 2 of sd are in our old family pictures. they will be coming down next year when we do family pictures again, this time she won't be in them! i can't wait!

LRP75's picture

SS just gives me the creeps. He is being raised to be an entitlistic, narcissistic, manipulating, whiney-ass piece o' crap "man." I can't believe my H, who is so moral and honest, is willing to raise a child that is so a-moral and dishonest. It blows my mind.
