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BM seeking disability... *eye roll*

LRP75's picture

So apparently the Dr appt BM was attending this evening was for her "bad back."

She is bound and determined to get disability. I suppose the "bad back" thing is going to be her angel.

Wanna know the sad part? BM is actually pretty smart. If she even put one ounce of her intelligence into trying to do something good with her life, she could do it. The problem is, she uses her power for evil instead of good.

It just takes way more energy to work the system than it is to just do the right thing every day. Don't you think?

By the way, I am a person that actually has a bad back. The original injury occurred about 18 years ago. Living with chronic pain is brutal. What I find curious is that out of the 4 years that DH and I have been together, the skids have seen me laid out when my back is acting up. I find it strange that they never once said, "My mom has a bad back." Especially considering that they are constantly comparing us. I suppose that this, along with the fact that BM is a proven liar and manipulator, makes me doubt that she has a bad back at all. I lean toward the belief that she's just trying to work this angel to get disability.

Note to those who aren't familiar with my situation: BM announced about a month ago that she and her current DH may be getting a divorce. In that conversation she said that she, "might have to get a job or go on disability." She's starting to freak out that this newest wallet (her DH) is about to leave her and she won't have anyone to support her.

I assert once more: the only thing disabled about her, is her morals.

Please pray for the taxpayers.


LRP75's picture

Federal Social Security.

This woman has barely worked in her whole life. She has never contributed into society in any positive way. She has been nothing more than a leach. She is completely pathetic.

About 2 years ago she had to have a hysterectomy. Her uterus was her only income (Child support). When she had to have the hysterectomy, I knew that she would marry the father of her last child. She did. Now he is trying to escape -- and she's got nothing left other than playing disabled.

LRP75's picture

I just looked it up, I think she is going to try for the "SSI" then. SSI is not based upon length of employment and/or contribution into the program.

"The SSI program makes payments to people with low income who are age 65 or older or are blind or have a disability."

LRP75's picture

It's $700 per month that she never had to get off her fat ass to earn. If she were truly disabled I wouldn't be upset at the thought of her getting it. But she isn't disabled. She's just a leach. And to think that, not only do we pay $1k per month in CS to her, but she will also get $700 per mo in "free" earned money from the taxpayers?

Seriously, it makes me ill.

Again, the only thing disabled about her, is her morals.

LRP75's picture

That would be awesome! All hell would break loose if I did that. It would be worth it. }:)

LRP75's picture

I'm going to work on trying to get pictures of her not being disabled. I don't know how I can pull that off, considering I never see her and she lives so far away. But who knows, maybe an opportunity will present itself.

Ex4life's picture

Its very hard to get SS or SSI. My mother had to go on it after over 20 years of working as a nurse. The lawyer they ended up needing to hire to help them told mom that it takes an average of 3 years to jump through the hoops to get qualified. Now if she does end up getting it they will back pay her to the date she became disabled. She will probably be turned down at least three times then it will go to an administrative judge for review. There will be a whole list of things they will go through such as her age, education, how long before she qualfies for SS anyway,types of jobs she qualifies for so on and so on.

If she is just getting started in this process she still has a long way to go. Mom's lawyer told her that mental issues were the easiest to get disability for because it can't really be proven you don't have the problem. Don't really know how true that is so take it with a grain of salt.

LRP75's picture

This is good to know. Thank you for sharing. Sorry about your mom. People who are truly disabled are the reason why the program exists. People like BM are the reason why it's so hard for the truly disabled to get the help they need.

dontcallmestepmom's picture

Our BM is probably going to try the same thing-CS ends this month. It is her only source of income, never has worked, refuses to work. My FDH's young adult kids are the same way-his daughter is 23 and already hinting her back is bad. But she can drive all over and party. Please. I suspect one or all of them will try for SSI. It makes me sick. They DO NOT need it. What they need to do is get off their asses and work. The 20 year old just got his 17 year old gf pregnant. He has never worked. Has stated he does not want to work. The daughter works 20 hours a week. 19 year old is finally graduating high school, he wont work, I am sure.

FDH has a bad back, but works 6 days a week. Has worked since he was 14. I have a chronic illness and bust my butt everyday in a stressful job.

This is even more of an issue for me bc I am a social worker. I SEE people who truly need SSI, and I see people scamming the system. It is horrible.

LRP75's picture

When I graduate in August, I will be a social worker. The population of my heart is the homeless. I know exactly what you mean about seeing people who truly need it and can't get it.

GoodbyeNormaJean's picture

Being a lazy whore is unfortunate, but it isn't a federally protected disability.

bi's picture

you wouldn't believe how many people in my family have applied for disability and actually got it. yeah they have issues, but they brought them on themselves with their lifestyle choices. now the whole lot of them are either applying for or have their medical marijuana license. so proud of my white trash roots...

LRP75's picture

It's great, isn't it? The system fails those who really need the help, but helps those who don't.

I think it's intentional: it's all political and stems from trying to build a voter base. Hand out the "freebies" and they all come running to the polls.