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OH, and a crossed boundary

lost in longmont's picture

Oh... and DH crossed a huge boundary of mine after two weeks!

I told him that when school started I would take SD10 to school on Monday and Tuesday, then BM on Wednesday and Thursday, and he would have to take her on Friday. Friday is my day off and I am not going to try her to and from school that is 20 minutes away on my day off. The first week of school he took her on Friday, but this past week...

I walk in our room 20 minutes before he is supposed to take her and asks me if I can take her. My first response is no, and then he says that he "forgot" he was supposed to take her and drank too much the night before.

Needless to say I was furious! I took her because I had to, but he said it wasn't going to happen again, which is hard to believe since it is only THE SECOND WEEK OF SCHOOL!!!

And worse, I'm pissed I let him make me cross my boundary. If this happens again he can take her to school after he sobers, and let him explain why she was late.

I'm still angry about it. I know I need to get over it, but this is the third fight in two weeks.


LRP75's picture

"I'm pissed I let him make me cross my boundary."

This doesn't make any sense. No one can MAKE you cross your own boundary. You could have, and should have, stayed true to yourself and stayed firm that you weren't going to take the girl to school. Sounds like this is an instance where you have taught him how to treat you, and you've taught him how to use you.

How does a parent "forget" that they have to take their child to school? I call bullshit on that - on so many levels.

herewegoagain's picture

Don't do it again. Then, since it is your day off, take off early and get out of the house...let him deal with it.