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my dh has had enough's just not worth it

lmdavi0's picture

my dh told me yesterday that he's not going to see sd10 anymore. we do have joint custody but every time we see sd, it is DRAMA. whether it's her twisting all of our fun and love into something vindictive and negative to bb or bb turning our wonderful weekend into hell on earth. and after only one year of regular visitation, we are calling it quits. it's not that it's not worth it, but now bb has sd involved. having her call dh names and saying she doesn't want to see him and bb screaming and yelling in front of sd. it's tearing dh's heart out because sd is in the middle and of course she is going to choose her mother. i mean, bb has only been trying to keep dh out of sd's life for eight years now (dh raised sd til she was 2). it's just sooooooooo sad. i cry about it a lot and it's hard for me to accept. why would someone go to such trouble to hurt someone else, especially when your own daughter is the one really getting hurt?
so now, dh is going to write a letter to the judge telling him that he doesn't want to keep causing sd pain and confusion, that he is just going to pay his child support and hope as sd gets a little older, she can see what is really going on. i know this sounds harsh but men are different. they're not as emotional as we are and it's just not good for me to stress when i have no control. four days a month is just not enough to put up with all this other bs. IT WILL ALWAYS BE SOMETHING. so now dh and i have PILES of clothes that we got from a friend so i guess we are just going to give them to bb. whether she sells them or what, it's all we can do. it's just not fair for sd.


Cruella's picture

That you two are going through that with BM. Just know you are not alone. Maybe it is best to back off for a while and just leave things alone. Think about it really hard before you write the Judge. Make sure that it is what you really both want. I know it can be discouraging. Have you told SD that is what you want to do. I would for sure how you feel and what is going to happen.

goingcrazy's picture

I sympathize with you completely. I have been there before. But then I realized that I would never walk away from my bio child, so how could I support DH in doing this with his. Maybe there are other options. Try family counseling or fight for more visitation to have more impact. I don't know. But even though DH is not showing the emotion, he is feeling it. Men just hide it better than us. I agree with Cruella about thinking really hard before finalizing it. There are many other options besides walking out of a child's life. I think that is they easy way and I thank God everyday that I found the strength to stay and give my DH the strength to keep his daughter. We now have full custody and are working hard to get past the anger of SD being torn between two parents. I hope all works out and everything happens for a reason.

lmdavi0's picture

for your insight and support. you're absolutely right. everything does happen for a reason. i guess i just momentarily forgot. : )
much love and well wishes,

Nymh's picture

We've had visitation for a little over a year, and things are just as bad or worse than they were from the very beginning. I know how difficult it is to watch a mother hurt her child. I know how painful it is to watch your DH slowly make the decision to back away from his own child because he thinks that that is what is best.

My BF has said that things would be easier if he was to just give up, but he will never let himself do that. He has an obligation to SS to stay in his life and fight for him, and that's what he's decided to do. We've been told by both of our lawyers that eventually BM will end up forcing the court to take custody from her with her actions. All we have to do is stick in there and keep going.

I know it's hard, but is there any way that you can guide DH to the decision of sticking it out? Goingcrazy has made some excellent suggestions in the previous reply.

*~So sayeth Nymh~*

lmdavi0's picture

well, last night sd told dh she doesn't want to see him anymor or talk to him anymore. poor dh was so upset...he also spoke with sd's counselor and she assured him sd has never said anything but great things about him and how much she loves him...and i came to the same conclusion you fine women did. i have to support him and let him know that he can't give up. sd is only 10 and she is only regurgitating what her mother has said to her, it's almost word for word and it's just disgusting. but dh has rights and whether or not sd wants to come, he cannot give up on her. thank you so much for picking me back up. i knew in my heart i couldn't let this happen and i know dh knows as well. walking away is the easy thing, but we've never cared for the easy road.
: )
much love and thanks

Caitlin's picture

My fiance has definitely gone through the same anguish and there have been times that he has said it would just be easier for all if he disappeared out of SD's life because BM was so impossible to deal with. But he just could never do that. We know how you feel, although maybe not to the same extent because even with BM's intense parental alienation tactics, SD has never said she doesn't want to see her dad anymore. I feel for you.

We're here for you, so come here often for kind words of support through this rough journey!

Candice's picture

Not long ago my dh and I decided to call it quits with us trying to raise a child with dh's ex pyscho. It's a hard concept for you to visualize not seeing or participating in a child's life, but the drama, the headache, the frustration, manipulation, is all too much for one to take in.

We decided to let bm have it all, she wants him full time, and she makes decisions w/o any discussion with my dh, then 40 days later she calls to let us know how she is sick of her 13 year old son who is highly disrespectful to her, she wants her way 100% of the time, so she wants to spoil him when it makes her look good, then she wants to send him to our house when she needs him "fixed." It doesn't work.

It is tough to walk away from a child who you know is brainwashed, but you can't comprimise your own sanity for any one. That is what you need to remember. Also, you can't allow yourself to be used, and that is what a lot of these women are doing. I don't like the idea of walking away from my ss, but I can't change his mother, and as long as I am there to constantly pick up the pieces to her train wreck, I will be allowing her to dictate the chaos in my life, in my marriage, and in my son's childhood.

It isn't easy, but you are doing the right thing. Good luck, and if you need more help, feel free to email me privately. We just went through this, and I am totally here for you!


goingcrazy's picture

Just remind you DH that the harder it is, the more it worth fighting for. Give him strength. I can only imagine how much pain he is feeling. I went through it with SD, but from BD it would tear me apart. In time, she will come around. At ten, she is just a sponge soaking up BM's emotions. Keep fighting and remember that you have friends here to help support you. Invite your DH online, maybe we can help encourage him as well.

Exhausted SM's picture

Back in Dec. she decided she was going to take her manipulation of the 2 parents to a whole new level. She started telling BM that she hates coming to our house because we are mean to her and punish her and talk about BM all the time. All this is absolutely NOT TRUE!!!! If anything she is treated like a princess at our house and NEVER gets disciplined. A counselor helped us see that she is not getting the attention needed from BM and the only time she gives SD the time of day is when she is talking badly about us because then they are on a team together. This is sad but DH had to say if she is going to cause problems then she shouldn't come over anymore. And so she hasn't for 6 months! It hurts DH but what can he do. His every other weekend visitation was just not enough to erase the brainwashing that her mother has done. She would just go back home on Sundays and tell false stories in hopes that her mom would say you don't have to go back there anymore but she never would because then that would interfere with mom's party weekends! So now that DH has put his foot down and her baby sitter is gone, she has to dump SD some where else. This is sad because SD thought by not having to go to out house anymore that surely she and mom would spend some time together but NO she just drops her off at different friends and families homes. We just pray for SD and believe it or not BM. That's all you can do.

lmdavi0's picture

sd10 doesn't spend quality time with bb either and this is exactly what happens with us. four days a month just doesn't erase constant brainwashing...but for us, since we are still so fresh into REGULAR visitations, we just can't give up yet. it's sad that bashing dh and our weekends with sd, which are just like yours (treated like royalty and no discipline), is the only time sd gets to spend with bb. when she isn't with us, she is shipped to estranged stepdad with her younger half-brother. and i'm sure she doesn't pick apart THEIR weekend! well, we are going to start disciplining and making her realize that she is accountable for what she says. we've been so nice and forgiving that she is walking all over us. so we're learning and we're not going to be played for fools.
best of luck to you too!!!

lmdavi0's picture

we are staying strong and i tell my dh about you all every day! i love this community and don't know what i would do without your loving support.
have a great memorial day weekend!