We’ve been skid-free for the past 2 weeks, and I’ve never felt so calm and at peace. In those 2 weeks, I’ve reconnected with my spiritual side and started a diet, so that I can fit into my wedding dress. LOL
But when BM dropped the kids off last night, I immediately felt myself tense up as they walked through the door. I hate to feel this way. I love them, but I’m .. well, I’m not sure what I am. Stressed. FH’s and my relationship seems to change when they’re here because, well, they’re right 98% of the time.
SS5 and SD8 both (that’s right, 2) got an iPod Touch for Christmas from FH’s parents. This followed the laptop that they bought for SD8 back in October. I don’t believe that kids should be overindulged like they have been. We spent $$ that we didn’t have on Christmas for them, but were told last night that “the iPod is the most important thing.” I’m making them pick out a toy today to take to the Salvation Army to donate to a not-so-spoiled brat. The rest of them don’t get played with anyway.
SS5 wakes up this morning, and the first words out of his mouth are “I’m going to get on my iPod.” He can’t even really read yet, and it’s annoying to have to tell him what everything is. Anyway, I told him no. The kid is going to rot his mind. It’s constant video games, tv, etc. for him at BM’s. We hadn’t even eaten breakfast. Well, FH gives me this look and told me that I “flipped out.” WTF. Just for that, they may not be able to “find” them all day. :x
FH can’t see that his children are going to end up being spoiled. What can you top a laptop and an iPod Touch with for an 8 and 5 year old? They’re going to be demanding these things by the time they’re 12. But of course, this turned into FH saying that I thought his mother was stupid for buying them such and age-inappropriate gift. I love my MIL, but yes, that was an extremely stupid decision.
- livizzle's blog
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I totally relate to your
I totally relate to your situation. Sadly, it's a sign of the times. Even worse is that by starting so young, what do these kids really have to look forward to?? (rhetorical) Every day will become Christmas and there will no longer be anything special that they appreciate. As a matter of fact, they will learn to appreciate nothing as a result. My SO has 2 kids (23 & 17) they were raised by breeders, not parents. They are spoiled and entitled... totally lacking in morals, integrity, and character. All anyone is good for is what they can get out of them. Heaven forbid they should be 'let down' b/c then they will have nothing to do with you. It's sad to watch but, 'the breeders' made their choice a long time ago.
If this really bothers you and your SO's not willing to change his parenting style, then you have 2 choices. a) Learn to live with it by disengaging and merely observing from a safe distance OR
You can make the decision to walk away. Neither is a great choice but, YOU can not fix that which YOU did not break. If that made any sense, lol.
Warm wishes to you though.