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Just wanted to brag. ;)

livizzle's picture

We’re having a cook out at my grandmother’s this afternoon. This was not a skid weekend, so they won’t be attending. I can’t tell you how nice it is not to have to worry about them (mainly SS6) disrespecting my family. The last time that I took SS6 around my parents, he told my mom that he “didn’t like her”. Mind you, my mom has done nothing but be good to those kids. My mom told him that he needed to put her food back (he had helped himself to a bag of chips) since he didn’t like her. LOL


Anywho78's picture

HAHA that's something my family would do, LOVE IT!! My SD (then 5) tried rude crap with my family and it backfired...she's sweet as pie with them now.

Have a great afternoon!

Still Have Hope's picture

I'll never forget when SD#1 meet my mom for the 1st time. She scowled at my mom and said as she pointed to me "She is not my real mom, you know." Without skipping a beat, my mother replied "Of course I know dear, she is my daughter if she had had a baby 6 years ago I would have known."