FH can pay CS but isn't even respected enough to be listed as skids' dad.
I went to skids’ school for their Christmas parties yesterday afternoon. I introduced myself to both of their teachers and nothing was said about FH and I never showing up, etc. like I was worried. SS5 was very happy that I was there and introduced me to everyone. SD8 was happy too, but she’s a “big girl” and didn’t need anyone at her party. LOL
Back to the topic at hand – Does BM list your SO as the father of his own freaking children on school records, etc.? I’ve noticed before that BM has her DH (skids’ stepfather) listed on their father on some things. FH coached SS5’s tee ball team this past spring and even then, BM had her DH listed as their father. He’s listed as SS5’s father on his bus rider vest (they make all of the 5 years olds wear bright orange vests). Anyway, so I walked into the school’s office and the woman checked to see if I was on the list of authorized people. I am. Well, I happened to see the emergency card when she went to get me a visitor’s pass. Guess who’s listed as the father? BM’s DH!! FH is the very last person on the authorized pick-up list! He’s below ME! WTF!! This is obnoxious! BM and FH have joint legal custody. FH gets equal say in school, religion, etc. He’s paying her almost $700/month, and he’s not even acknowledged as their father! No wonder the school has never missed us ..
- livizzle's blog
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Have your DH take the CO to
Have your DH take the CO to the school and have it changed. Ask them for copies of everything where the stepdad is listed as 'father' and keep them in case of future court issues.
You don't think a father that
You don't think a father that is active in his children's lives deserves to be given the respect of that title?
I am with you 100%. My kids
I am with you 100%. My kids dad is barely involved in their lives. I listed him as 'father' in school for the past couple years however, when they start school next year, he won't even be under contacts. I have gained legal custody, and my husband is the one taking care of them.
Any dad involved in the kids
Any dad involved in the kids lives, esp with 50/50 custody, who is active in the schools, should be listed as FATHER. Not just 'emergency contact'.
In our schools, whoever is
In our schools, whoever is enrolling them fills out the papers. The papers have spaces for mother, father, stepmother, and stepfather. So, it's not really too much to ask to fill the papers correctly...
I don't consider a child's
I don't consider a child's father to be an "authorized contact." Yes, I'm listed, but that's because sometimes it's convenient for BM to "allow" me to pick them up from school. BM and FH share LEGAL custody, not physical. But either way, he's involved in the children's lives and SHOULD be listed as their father.
This is the first year that the kids have been enrolled at this school. They were moved because this school is more conveniently located for everyone involved. FH HAS been involved in his kids' lives from the beginning. He's not a deadbeat. He's never missed a weekend with them or a CS payment. He calls them EVERY NIGHT to talk to them and see how their day was. He's not the deadbeat loser your ex was, so there really is no comparison.
Have DH be added to the
Have DH be added to the schools mailing list, to receive report cards and other important info. We have a teacher (only 1 out of 6) who makes copies of EVERYTHING and keeps it in a folder for BM. Schools love when parents are involved, and are especially happy to see a father involved.