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If I hear one more word about Barbie Princess stuff I am going to shoot an IL

littlemommy's picture

DH was talking to his sister today, who is usually the only sane one in his family about gifts we got our son. She cuts him off and says "what'd you get SD" he says "only a craft set so far, we are getting a couple more things this weekend". SIL took that opportunity to remind him for the 10000th time that SD "NEEDS" a Barbie Princess Bike. DH then said he saw a bike similar to the one they picked out for $30 less, SIL said that that one would just not do for her royal highness SD, bc it wasn't the Barbie Princess brand.

I'm sorry, but this kid is going to use this stupid thing maybe 3 times a month? They keep telling us we should spend an equal amount on our son and SD, which is just dumb to me bc SD is barely around, why they think she needs a toy pile to rival Toys R US is beyond me.


Ommy's picture

That Bull Crap. Dont feel bad what so ever. Get her a cheep pink bike. Lets think about this BS gets one christmas one tree; one "santa". SD gets two trees, two christmas'; two "santas"; not to mention all the guilty family members that buy way to many gifts to make up for her "broken" home life. It makes me sick these kids dont walk on water. Plus if SD goes to college my guess is SO has to pay. DS however doesnt get that perk.

littlemommy's picture

Exactly!! Everyone acts like this kid has nothing but rocks to play with and that we shouldd all bankrupt ourselves and if anything is left over then I guess our son can have something! Thank God DH is on the same page as me or I would've ran away screaming months ago. I keep suggesting the IL's buy the damn bike, but no one ever responds to that.

branmuffin97's picture

My thoughts are that it doesn't matter what other sides of the extended families do for the kids...parents should be fairly equal with their own. We are both custodial..."our" 4 kids(my 3bio, 1ss) will get equal things from us regardless of what they may be getting from the other sides of the equation.

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Why should you spend the same amount? It's not like kids at that age notice anyways because they really don't have any idea how much things cost. I buy my kids an equal amount of gifts but they are far from being of equal value. If you wanna get her a bike, get her the cheaper one and save some money, kids grow out of bikes so quickly these days as it is there would just be no sense, otherwise ask DH sister if she would like to chip in one the bike.