I swear we need to write a book, what chapter ya want to do?
In the week I have been on this site, I get more & more amazed.
The book would be for the bad BM's.
I'll take the chapter on
"Stop using your own kids" - This isn't a chess game!
Here's some other chapter ideas.
"It's not your wallet anymore" - Keep your sticky fingers off!
"Be happy I care about your kids" - Stop treating me like I introduced them to crack!
"Yeah, He's happy now" - Get over it!
"Accepting the food chain" - You got a new place!
"Take your hands off his balls" - They will never grow back with your guilt trips!
I don't know, what other chapter could we have????
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how 'bout
"Yep, it's *your* weekend, get over it."
How About...
50/50 Isn't Soda Pop: It's Called Your Turn
You Cheat'n Fool: I Got Him Now-Get Over It
Children Are Not Your Pawns
Your Screwed Up Your Own Life, Now Leave Ours' Alone
I do Not Want to Replace You: You are "Unique" and Look Where That Gottcha!
Angry?? Yes. My X and his X are naturally the victims. They both cheated-- DH & I said too bad so sad and moved on... Made better lives and now they both are seething, interfering bobble heads!!! Good Grief!!
a book, a guide, a bible maybe......
thanks...you just made my week! and after the week i had i really needed that one! ESPECIALLY with the chess game...but you hit the nail on the head I think. As a grateful new member I can say my only experience past my own present one is from single moms that get no support no help and no weekends off...why is that BM assume it is their right to have their weekends off...chapter197 thanks
How bout move on....
I just joined this group and I find what everyone is thinking is not to far from my own.
Here are a few
"just because you spread em dosen't make em your meal ticket"
"Disliking me won't make you pretty"
"Welfare stops when the kids turn 18"
"Childsupport-not for your shopping pleasure"
"You cheated so why are you complaining now"
I have to say that I agree with Fearless when she says that she could come up with more }:)
this book would be a best seller!!
Got some chapters to add: "You set him free....Now he's with me." "Don't hate me because I'm beautiful (thinner) than you." " He loves me, he loves you NOT!!" "Teaching your children well" " Love is better the second time around". Meshel
This is funny.
Tag... your it! When you get served...
When you just have to deal with a foul Bowel Movement- Gonna wash that stench right out of my hair...
Calgon... take HER away.
Hi, my number is 2468, Step Mom. I'm on Skid Row for life, no possibility for parole. How long you in?
I ate my Wheaties for breakfast... what did you have, sour milk?
Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...