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16 y/o Princess Has Fleas!!!

lisa510's picture

I can't believe it!!! OMG! Call the SWAT team!!

So we have a flea problem. This has been a bad season for fleas. Our two dogs (one mine, one SD16).
SD16 came to live with us with her dog. She doesn't feed it, let it out, bathe it, talk to it, pet it, look at it ---- NOTHING.

So we had our home treated for fleas. SD16 comes to me 2 days later and says, "My dog still has fleas!" That night she allows her dog to actually sleep with her in her bed. Hmmmmm...why?

She later complains of flea bites on her legs! Duh!!!

This was two weeks ago. Normally those two dogs are always with me in my room. Always. Neither DH nor I have flea bits. Go figure.

I have been telling DH that the skids NEED TO CLEAN THEIR ROOMS!!! SD16 uses her floor as her laundry basket (disgusting dirty panties everywhere) and as a garbage can. I HAVE TOLD DH TO TELL SKIDS TO CLEAN THEIR ROOMS!

This morning, DH says to me, "Can you spray in SD's room? She keeps getting bit by fleas."

Why does her room still have fleas? Could it be that they are hanging on to the dirty clothes? Could it be that her room is a breeding ground for bugs? The dogs haven't been in there in weeks. After DH left for work, I went to SD's room (I stand at the door, I never walk in that crap) and nicely told her, "Your father asked me to do this. You need to clean your room before I spray in here." She nodded as if she would.

WWIII will start today!!! I can't wait. She hates for me to tell her anything!!! DH hates that I expect them to clean anything at all!! When he finds out what I told her, he's gonna act like I asked her to lick the toilet bowl.

Stay tuned!!


lisa510's picture

Oh, we've had the entire property sprayed for fleas - in and around the house. But stay tuned. He'll argue with me about me "pestering" about cleaning her room. Then he won't make her clean her room, he'll walk all in that mess and spray her room.

God forbid we make these kids clean their rooms. He always says, "They're good kids. They don't stay out late, do their school work, don't do drugs, they're loving...." Blah blah blah. So after that, I say, "So WHY is it that they don't have to clean their rooms? Because they're good?" WTF

I get pissed because I pay the mortgage here too and I feel kids need to help parents keep their greatest investment in good shape!! I wouldn't ask any less of my own two bios!!

dakotamom's picture

ss15 room is the same way - it grosses me out. there's a funny smell in there. we dont' have many closets in our apt so i had stored my sweatshirt in ss15 room before it became his room. he doesn't hang his clothes up never has so i didnt' move things out of there. the weather is getting cooler so i went in there to get a sweatshirt adn it about knocked me out. i told DH that there was an odor and he told me that it's just boy stink, get my clothes out of there if i dont like it. i'm worried that he'll bring some bugs from his moms house and they'll breed in our house. i've already dealt with fleas and lice i'm sure as shit not doing it again because teh kid can't clean himself/room. ICK!!!
i'm getting my clothes out of there because i will not have skid stink on my clothes!

tofurkey's picture

OHHHH boy...Yeah i would make Fdh spray for fleas since it's his kid that is having the issue.

Yeah, look where not telling them to do some simple chores leads. Derr..

lisa510's picture

Hmmm.....nah! I prefer not to touch other people's dirty panties. Just not in me. If she doesn't clean her room, she can keep getting bit!