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Clingy BM addressed... Calm Before The Storm?

lil_lady's picture

Wont post for some reason... see bellow for my post.


lil_lady's picture

So BF sent out an email to BM to cease the day to day txts and BS. She gets through roughly 3 days and then finds some mundane reason to have a drawn out txt conversation!

BF said that its about time everyone moved on and there was now no reason for day to day contact. Emails on trade days where all that was needed to update about the kids. Emergencies could be addressed via email (they both have smart phones)and they where to be real emergencies. If there was something that needed to be passed on it would with a statement not a vague question leading to a conversation. Appointments would not be booked on the others days. His SD6 would not be choosing to come drop off things and see the other parent on one parents days. He thinks it is healthier for everyone in the picture and he needs his time for himself as does she. SD6's counselor has suggested that we have to stick to a routine and a schedule and that is what he is trying to maintain. He is not trying to be an ass and just wants to live his life!

She has not said a word... this was 2 days ago. I don't know if this actually worked or if she is just so mad she is formulating a response! I also addressed her accusations of me being "phoney" in one of her last emails. She is very aware I am involved and I see her emails. This is because we have all agreed that SD6 needs a firm hand and she will take advantage of me not parenting. Although BM changes her mind monthly and sends an email with name calling saying I shouldn't be involved. BM has no problem asking me to take SD to dr appointments and attend her Star days at pre-school though. Anyways, her complaint was that one minute I am being civil and acting like a friend and the next minute I was glaring. News flash sweet heart when you decide to spend Bf's birthday with BF's family even when your asked not to by BF... your going to get glared at.

I responded with I am not perfect nor are you. You called me fake once from now on I will not hide my feelings from you. I am sorry it hurt you so much and yes I was mad that day. I felt much the same as BF and I felt it was unfair and rude. However, I was not successful at being discrete about how I felt and sometimes would not be as she hasn't been in the past. I hope that one day things can be more civil and we can be in the same room without it being awkward.

Hmmmm... wondering what will happen.

Anne Boleyn's picture

When my guy laid down boundaries via email BM didn't respond for a few days. A couple of days later she filed contempt charges against him. A couple days later she sent a scathing email. I would bet money a shit storm is headed your way.

lil_lady's picture

I am guessing so as well. I think the best part is every time he responds with a to the point professional email and she is flying off the handle. Just proves how unstable she actually is! I mean if she is trying to show reason for her to not be a fit parent whom has emotional instability problems she is on the right track.