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Ode to my BM

lawyergirl06's picture

I am feeling even more down now than I was this morning. I am by no means a poet, but here is my one attempt at humor today:

Ode to a BM

You've ruined each day of my life
since SO and I met
There are many things about you
I simply don't get
I don't get your anger
your delusions, your ire
I don't get why people
race to put out your fires
You sit on your throne
made of boxes and shit
making little puppets dance
or you throw a big fit
Your looks are quite faded
your body a mess
your liver is threatening
to sue for duress
You're barely employed
at a high schooler's job
you smell like a gym sock
you dress like a slob
You pressure your children
You scream and you yell
They equate every visit
with a trip straight to hell
Your family, entertaining
your morals in flux
The entire group of you
are sociopathic fucks
I look at your children
and smile in wonder
How the years of your drinking
have not thrown them asunder
You lost your career
your kids and your house
You live with the father
of your last deadbeat louse
You pissed on the floor
of the old county jail
While you threw a big tantrum
and you cried and you wailed
Why me????? is your anthem
It's not my fault, your cry
When you don't get your way
You manipulate and lie
The nuthouse won't take you
Treatment sent you away
The only thing you complete
Is a fifth of vodka each day
You dabble in crazy
That's putting it nicely
which is why you've been committed
Not once, but thricely
You spread your disease
to each victim you meet
I imagine your vagina
smells like sweaty dirty feet
I have done nothing to you
But felt empathy and pity
You turn around
And treat me so shitty
You make comments about me
though we've never quite met
You beg SO to come back
But your way you won't get
You won't make me feel bad
You won't make me cry
I won't let you get me
I would much rather die
So bring it on bitch
I am not afraid
You may dream of SO
But I'm the one getting laid
I am the one that he runs to
with his joys and his pain
The one he always wanted
to live out his days
So sit in your lair
and plot all you want
because my brain is one place
you will no longer haunt
So take your smelly old cootch
and your gin soaked brain
and kindly drive into
a fast moving train
Stick to SO
for your battle fatigue
because when it comes to character
I am way out of your league
