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SS8 is Sick = DRAMA

LauraHelton331's picture

SS8 came over today and he was sick. Really sick. Temperature of 103 sick. My first thought was "I don't want this kid in my house sick. He will make my son (who is 10 months old) sick. He should stay with his mom or grandma."

But then I thought, well, if SS8 was my real son, he would be here if he was sick or not. It's just a part of having kids. Sometimes one gets sick and you deal with it.

So, DH goes to pick up SS from SS' maternal grandparent's house for our EOW. (Why was SS at his grandparent's house? B/c his mom is a SLACKER and likes to have full custody so she can get a CS check from us, meanwhile she dumps him on her parents AT LEAST 3 days a week. Anyway) The kid's temp is 103.6. My husband says,"Has he had any Tylenol?" And they said "No, he doesn't need it b/c his Amoxicillin will help the fever." Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm WHAT???????? Antibiotics are not for fevers!!!! A fever that high needs some freakin Tylenol!!!!!!!!!

So DH is freakin out and calls his dumbass exwife. She said,"Well, if SS needed Tylenol, the doctor would've said to give it to him, right?" OMG. Straight up ignorance. Your kid's fever is approaching 104 and you are not gonna give him anything to treat it. Wow.

All of this would have been just DUMB, but then the phone has been ringing OFF THE HOOK. BM is calling saying,"How's my precious poopsy?" (b/c she is good at faking like she cares but yet never really DOING anything. You know what I mean?) Fine, whatever, I can deal with that.

What I CAN'T deal with is when BM's Mom starts calling. She is freakin psychotic as hell. She thinks SS8 is her son. BM has set it up that way, and this old lady has RUN with it. She starts telling SS8 "Well you just need to come over here and let Nanna take care of you" and all of this other business. Meanwhile, I am making him HOMEMADE chicken noodle soup and making a big chart of his medications and times to give them. DH is busy with a cloth on his forehead and fluffing his pillows. Oh and by the way, did I mention that I AM A NURSE for a living?!?

Once Nanna calls, it's ON. SS starts saying he needs to go stay with Nanna. His only valid argument is that he might get our BS sick, but please BELIEVE ME when I say that was NOT his motivation for wanting to leave. He is always finding a reason to leave our house or his mom's house to go with Nanna. And Nanna is just egging it on and on, as usual. I'm in the kitchen about to throw my stupid homemade soup against the wall. So much for un-disengaging for the night and getting involved. This is what I get. How can this child beg to go somewhere else when we are doing everything and then some for him, and hell, we even got his fever down with some of that-there handy dandy Tylenol. And both DH and I are so over him wanting to be with his stupid grandmother, and his mom never doing anything. My DH says to me,"Last time I checked, I stupidly stuck my penis in SS's Mom's vagina and got her pregnant, not Nanna's"

So DH flips his lid and says, "We are perfectly capable of taking care of you. If for whatever reason we decide that you are too contagious to be around BS(10 months), we will take you to your MOMS house and she will take care of you b/c she is YOUR MOM and it's about time she stepped up to the plate. You have PARENTS, SS, and Nanna is not one of them."

So that's it. DH thinks he has handled it, but I don't at all. His way of handling the situation is getting onto a sick 8 year old about how he should want to stay with his real parents. THAT IS NOT GOING TO HELP THE SITUATION. I think he needs to be discussing this junk with BM and frickin Nanna. But he won't, as usual. He will just say "It won't do any good." OR "Trust me, I used to argue about this stuff all the time with them before I met you. It never did any good so I don't bother anymore"

I know he hates this situation with his son constantly wanting Nanna over everyone else. It's not like he is some deadbeat dad. He REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLY TRIES so hard to get involved and be a good dad. He coached SS's baseball team. He's that kind of dad. And he still gets this "I want my Nanna" crap. He doesn't usually give in to it, but I watch it hurt my DH over and over and over to see SS not want to be with him. WHAT DO I DO???

It makes me disgusted with SS and baffled by DH.


Anon2009's picture

Your DH needs to be discussing this with BM and SS's Nanna. NOT SS. If he is supposed to have SS EOW, then he needs to hold them to it. If SS does not show up, he can take them to court for withholding visitation. THEN he needs to sit SS down and let him know that he is now going to be coming over when he's supposed to. I remember you saying how SS picks whoever's house is the most fun. That needs to stop, and your DH needs to start forcing him to come over for his court-ordered visitation. I do believe that he probably did argue with BM and Nanna about this before he met you, and that didn't work, but what he's doing right now isn't working either. He's allowing them to get away with too much & have too much power. Enforcing the court order might make BM and Nanna behave a little better, and they won't have as much control over the situation. When talking to SS, he could say something like, "SS, from now on, you're going to be coming over when you are SUPPOSED to, not when YOU WANT TO. I know you're not going to be happy about this, so I'm just giving you a heads-up. I am the parent, you are the child, and as long as I am providing for you, you are going to be coming over EVERY TIME (on whatever his visitation schedule is)."

I would document BM's failure to get SS as neglect and talk to your lawyer about that one. I hope SS is feeling better!

Rags's picture

For some reason it seems that CPs have a problem confronting those who need confronting and would rather vent or yell at those of us who are there to support them 24/7.

My wife will get mad at me when I recommend that she jerk a knot in BioDad or SpermGrandMa's tail rather than mine. Her answer is always "because it won't do any good". That comment gets really old for us Sparents I think.

I think at the core or things she undertands that I am safe and not going anywhere and it is easier to vent on me than to climb up BioDad/SpermGrandMa's ass where the problem really resides.

Oh well, eventually the kid will age out from under visitation and it will no longer be my problem.

How I wish the theory of relativity allowed for time for StepParents to speed up rather than slow down.

Best regards,