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Why do I even bother? Princess is being a brat...

Last-Wife's picture

Princess WILL NOT get me down, but damn, I am angry and hurt. I'm venting so this doesn't get me down. Our house has been SO happy and "even" for the last month. I'm not going to let her teen girl outburst ruin me.

So, Loghead and I were talking in the kitchen, and she comes in and starts rambling about something that happened at work. I could see Loghead totally zone out. Even though I didn't care, I stayed focused. And then she throws in, "Oh, yeah. That graduation party you're planning? I don't want one, so don't expect me to help get the house ready."

Bitch. I just looked at her, and told her to get out, before she really pissed me off. Loghead looks up and asks, "Whaddya fighting about now?"

I just walked out. No comment to him or reaction. Walked out and Calmed down. Not really sure how I'm going to handle this yet. I plan to sleep on it. Cancelling is NOT an option. We have too many people coming from out of town to not have some sort of gathering. Our town has no eateries or lodging. People will come in and need to be fed before the 7pm ceremony, then those that are staying for the weekend will have to drive 30 minutes just to have a hotel. It's not necessarily about her. It's about all of her family- bio and step- that helped get her to this point.

And it hurt my feelings. I want to celebrate this with her and for her. It's a big step in life.

How do I help her see that? How do I help Loghead see that? ADvice, suggestions.

BTW- trying to take it stride. I know she's stressed. Loghead doesn't have a job yet, and she's worried about the financial stress of a party and going to college. I'm sure she meant well by saying she didn't want one, and she's just not mature enough to word it properly. Without sounding like a bitch. LOL


Nemo's picture

Well then don't have the party for her. Have an early or late mother's day party. If she want's to come, she's more than welcome.

****"She had his past. I have his future." The Lovely Belleboudeuse****

onehappygirl's picture

I would be upset about this too. Tell her, "Okay, I won't have a party for you, but we are having a family get together, and you will be expected to help out."

Then you have a choice after you say it. You can go ahead and make it a party about her with gifts and everything that goes with it, or just a regular BBQ, no gift or surprises. I would go with the gifts though. If she is still ungracious at that point, step back and stop doing things for her. Unfortunately, in some SM/SD relationships, you could do the nicest thing for them, and they would be angry about it because they told they wanted this, not that.

Good luck to you. I hope it turns out nice regardless of what you choose.

Love me or hate me, I'm still gonna shine!!!

soverysad's picture


Let her know that helping with the house isn't an option and is expected because she lives there, not because there will be a family gathering.

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"

There IS a difference between having a different opinion and being an asshole, find it.

Last-Wife's picture

Once again ladies, thanks for you advice and wisdom. After venting to you all, (before even seeing your responses) I sent her a text saying she could view it as an early meal with lots of family, and no gifts would be involved if she didn't want a party. (Sadly, we are counting on grad cash!) But no matter what, she still lived in this house till August, and she WOULD help.

She texted this morning that she was sorry. She doesn't want us "wasting money." But she does see it's not just about her. She doesn't want anyone to feel they have to bring gifts. She will work time into her schedule (she's now working two jobs) to help with whatever...

"I HAD to pick the road less traveled..."