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Update on Princess

Last-Wife's picture

Yes, she's home. Yes, her hair is purple. Yes, she's probably flunking out of school. Yes, she spent all the first day back at home texting and facebooking.

Loghead was pissed at her Friday night, because she'd called and asked to stay in her college town for the summer, then posted inappropriate pictures on FB, and wouldn't answer her phone. He left his temp job to go find her since she wouldn't answer her phone. Shortly before arriving to campus, he remembered he had her roommate's cell number, so he called that girl. Yes, the roommate and Princess were up, both packing.

Turns out Princess accidently dropped her phone in a box, packed it up and couldn't find it. Oh- was he pissed at her. He took more of her packed boxes and came on home.

he was exhausted when he got home after midnight, and left most of her stuff in the truck bed. It rained Saturday morning. He felt like it was perfect kharma... All of her clothes were wet. he was nice enough to get up Saturday monring, after the rain stopped and hang them up on the clothes line to dry.

She got home around noon. I left for my new part time job around 1:30. I could hardly look at her! She looked like she'd been up all night, and wreeked of smoke, and her hair was purple. loghead says it was not purple when he saw her Friday night, so the roomies must have colored their hair after he left.

She says it's supposed to be red, and can't figure out why it looks so purple. I tell her maybe its because she'd just colored her hair when she was home less than 5 weeks ago, and she obviously left it in WAY too long. "What am I going to do?! i can't start work like this!" She cried...

I love kharma.


Yme's picture

ahahahaha! Looks like YOU have an "interesting" summer ahead of you to say the least!! Keep us posted.....Im sure it will be full of upcoming surprises! Example: SD BLAMES BD for ruining her cell phone...(the one she dropped in a box and HE "left in the rain"!) SOOOOO SD demands a state of the art smart phone as replacement......

FYI "sally's" sells a color corrector kit (in a deep yellow box with purple writing)...simple...add the stuff in the box to shampoo...put on damp hair and it will change the color back...or bring back it to the "right" color....Just a suggestion to not have to look at purple hair....and SM can be "the hero" lol!!

alwaysanxious's picture

Karma Smile Smile Smile

"yes, her hair is purple. Yes, she's probably flunking out of school. Yes, she spent all the first day back at home texting and facebooking."

and yes its your DH problem Wink