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Princess called last night

Last-Wife's picture

At 11:20. Does she not realize NORMAL people go to bed, so they can be ready for work the next day?! She actually texted me first, which woke me, but I ignored it, and less than 5 mintues later Loghead's phone rang.

She was on a roll! He didn't even really get a chance to speak. She spilled it all, starting with the most recent piece of news:

1. She got an $80 speeding ticket earlier in the day.
2. She told him she gave Loca Grande "several thousand" dollars from her settlement.
3. She's on academic probabation.

Then she added another topper- she wants to quit school at the end of the semester and get a job, and just start "her life."

He listened calmly and told her to call back when she wasn't being hysterical, and when he was actually awake. He rolled over to me, and said she's as crazy as Loca Grande, and he went back to sleep.

I'm just relieved I didn't have to sit on those secrets for too long, and I didn't have to argue with her to fess up.


Last-Wife's picture

It was more like a Poe nightmare story, banging around in her head and heart... She's made many stupid choices, but I don't think she drinks. (I know- naive stepmom!) It's not really a habit any of her families have... My guess is she didn't trust me to stay silent for long. But I was pretty set on keeping it to myself. let her dig her own hole...

Last-Wife's picture

It was more like a Poe nightmare story, banging around in her head and heart... She's made many stupid choices, but I don't think she drinks. (I know- naive stepmom!) It's not really a habit any of her families have... My guess is she didn't trust me to stay silent for long. But I was pretty set on keeping it to myself. let her dig her own hole...

Last-Wife's picture

It was more like a Poe nightmare story, banging around in her head and heart... She's made many stupid choices, but I don't think she drinks. (I know- naive stepmom!) It's not really a habit any of her families have... My guess is she didn't trust me to stay silent for long. But I was pretty set on keeping it to myself. let her dig her own hole...