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Officially disengaging from Princess today

Last-Wife's picture

Well, she did it. We figured from her facebook posts, and those of a friend, that she didn't go to her mother's- she went halfway across the state to visit her friends instead. Just to verify, Loghead sent Loca Grande a text about it, and she told him Princess WAS with her. Then she proceeded to send me a few texts about how we need to trust Princess, and started going off on her parenting theories.

Yeah, like I'm going to take parenting advice from the woman who lost custody of her children 13 years ago. You know, the one that her 16 year old son won't even acknowledge birthed him?

So around noon, Princess sends me a text that flat out said, "I lied. I didn't care about your plans. I want to live my life, and be with my friends, and you and dad make me feel bad about that. I lied. I asked Loca Grande to lie for me. I know it was wrong, but I still did it anyway. And I don't regret it."

I pass this on to Loghead through email. HE TELLS ME TO BACK OFF. His direct words were "STOP micromanaging her life."

Well, excuse me for caring about YOUR daughter. The child I RAISED since she was 5. No other woman was stepping up to the plate on that one...

So what, she turns 18, goes to college, and I'm just supposed to STOP caring? I have been her mother. Not Loca Grande. Yet Loca gets all the fun and praise. Brags to me this morning about how they are "best friends" now.

I am so proud of myself for not responding to Loca Grande... I would have spent my afternoon in jail.

I'm pissed at Loca Grande for going along with it. Due to my personal history, car accidents are a fear of mine. What if Princess was in an accident, halfway across the state, and we didn't even know where the hell she was? All because she and Loca Grande lied to us. I get chills down my spine just thinking about it.

Loghead did say she was screwing up her life, and if she didn't want our protection from that, if she wanted to make the same mistakes her mother did, that was her choice. If she wants to live her own life, let her said. He said he was going to leave it alone.

I'm pissed at Loghead. I think even though she's 18, there is still that "respect your parents" thing. Hell- I'm 36 and I still tell my mother everything I plan to do!!! I know I don't have to- I've been married for 12 years, but I respect my mom and care for her advice and opinions, and all except for marrying Loghead, I still seek her approval. I can't believe he isn't angry by this! However, I do see that he has given me permission not to care.

So I'm going to work real hard at "not caring." Today, for the first time in 13 years, I thought of her as Loca Grande's daughter, and my step-daughter. In all those years, I never felt that way... But I am done being hurt by her. I have had enough. Lying is one thing I don't forgive easily... She flat out lied to me, lied to her father. I'll use that anger to fuel me to go on.

Lord, grant me the strength to BUTT OUT.


Last-Wife's picture

SMILE Oops! The computer was acting really weird! I tried to make sure i didn't delete a response. Sorry I didn't see the original response. Thanks for the advice