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I forgot... I'm just the SM. Not supposed to care or ask questions

Last-Wife's picture

Ggrr.. Typed out a big thing and then it wouldn't post. So this is the brief summary.

Princess in a MAJOR car accident Saturday. Like the truck she was driving, alone, exploded moments after passerbys pulled her out! She's OK. Compound fracture to her right leg, near the ankle. She was with loca Grande for the weekend, and for some reason had left the house alone early that morning (no one knows where she was going when I ask) driving Gullible's truck. (Gullible is loca Grande's husband.) She hit a cement piling near a bridge, and the impact sent the engine through the steering column, breaking her leg. She had surgery and had pins placed in her leg.

(Another car was involved, but I'm not sure how since no one is telling me anything)

Given her behavior lately, and her attitude towards me, i'm feeling a little indifferent about all this. I don't know how I feel. I don't have enough info about the accident yet. Something feels fishy, to be honest.

But I will tell you, I am pissed as hell at Loghead. he has been a pure ass to me since he delivered the news to me Saturday afternoon. He won't answer any of my questions. jerked away from me when I tried to show him some compassion. Was mean and pissy to me Sunday afternoon when I was visiting her in the hospital. nearly shoved me off her hospital bedside so he could sit with her instead. (There were more details in the original ost, but it got lost. Too angry now to get back into it...) Even his dad asked what was going on, and he huffed out of the room saying he couldn't handle my 'damn questions."

Well I'm sorry. I forgot. i just raised this child since she was five and loved her and sacrificed for her, but I'm really not supposed to care. WTF? That's just a bunch of shit. I'm angry right now, but I'm grateful she survived, and will be okay. I'll post more later with better details. For now, just send happy thoughts our way.


Most Evil's picture

Oh I am sorry honey. I bet the story doesn't make sense, possibly because it is a big lie! and your DH knows you will see through it.

I think it is very nice of you to ask and visit her, and hopefully that sinks in to them too.