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SD seems to be known for problems at school. Great. Ugh

LaMareOssa's picture

Tuesday was open house at DD7 and SD11's school. We went and met both of their teachers. SD's teacher was really friendly, but then her tone changed and she got very serious with DH and SD. The teacher was telling SD and DH that she had a talk with the principal and she is up to speed on the issues from last year. The teacher was telling SD that she will not tolerate rudeness or bullying from SD or from any other students. The teacher advised SD to stay away from the girls that cause her issues. The teacher told SD that it's a new year and hopefully everyone can move on from it this year. Recap: SD got in trouble quite a bit last year because of her mouth and attitude. At one point it *might* have gotten physical..SD says no other girls say yes, we have no proof.

I can totally see SD causing problems because she has a serious attitude problem and a problem with being nice and decent. Even though, OF COURSE, non of the issues from last year were HER fault. She blamed her issues on her mother, on her situation, on her being in counseling, etc. Dirol DH and I can see right through her excuses and lies.

It is bothersome that SD has been associated with "problems" It makes me feel like a bad parent and it's embarrassing.

DD's teacher seems friendly as well and was telling DD that she had a talk with her teacher from last year and she was told many great things. Smile That made DD feel wonderful.
