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Linking Texts to Google....

LadyTremaine07's picture

Well...we are no longer living with BM. Yay!!! But now that we're gone she's refusing to let my SO see the kids. I know some of you have linked your text messages to a Google account and I would like to know how you did that so I can keep track of all the text messages she sends us. We've asked time and again to see the kids and she won't let us. She won't even tell us where she went with them. All she'll tell us is that "we know the boys are okay." From what we've seen and been told, she initially left with no clothes for her or the kids, no diapers, no formula, and no money. She's been having family members come to where she was staying and get their stuff, but we aren't sure the kids' stuff is actually getting to them. This is hard on me because I've been pretty much their primary caregiver and now their with that crappy inbred hillbilly bitch and I don't know where they are or that she's even taking care of them. I just need some help on this one and on what to do.


Disneyfan's picture

Has dad gone to court? Don't be so sure he hasn't seen the kids and/or doesn't know where the kids are.

LadyTremaine07's picture

She just randomly ran off and he's getting a lawyer when taxes come in. She won't talk to him and will barely talk to me (she only has my phone number, not his). Apparently she can text me and call me a c**t and a b**** and everything else under the sun and it's perfectly fine, but when I call her out about running off with the kids (in polite civil language), I'm harassing her. I just called CPS on her since we don't know where she is and she's being uncooperative. All we want from her is to see the kids. She is a diagnosed bipolar and hasn't taken meds in almost 3 years, so I don't know if the kids are even okay because her moods have seemed to have gotten worse since I've known her. But if you know how to link the texts to a Google account, I would love to know so we have some more documentation against her.

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Why is he waiting until taxes come? I wouldn't be waiting, you can usually find lawyers that will work with you in such situations and pay once their work is complete, shop around, I would.

Disneyfan's picture

It's free here in NYC as well. You just walk in, fill out the forms and you walk out the door with a court date. It didn't cost DF anything to get court ordered visitation. The whole process took 3 weeks. Easy,quick and cheap.

LadyTremaine07's picture

Our state (Oklahoma) is a "non form" state, so filing for custody requires someone who knows what they are doing. Plus...our county really provides no help whatsoever in the process. We have money in 2 weeks that will allow us to get an attorney and start the process. Right now, like I said, DHS has already gotten a call, as well as the police where we think she is.

Disneyfan's picture


Didn't you post that they wouldn't go after him for CS because they didn't know if he was the dad? If they didn't force him to pay CS, (to pay back the welfare mom gets)why would they help him get custody or visits?

This whole story is just odd.

Lioness77's picture

Disneyfan, she's the one who doesn't reply unless its to slam BM remember? Her other post was called Ranting and Raving and she stated she deleted her old account and started a new one...
We all concluded she made it up or is trolling.....

Yep. This is " her ".

LadyTremaine07's picture

The lawyer wants his money up front to do anything and @smmelissa it does help. Our state is "non form" state, so we'd have to draw up our own legal forms for custody and, even though I'm a paralegal student, I don't want to risk messing up our papers.

Lioness77's picture

Wow. You're still posting your crazy stories. Thought you disappeared after your last post and we all figured you out.