LIVID!!! BM and her BIG-ASS mouth!!!
We had the skids this weekend (what a handful!) and DH just dropped them off. When he told me what BM said, I wanted to go all the way over to her house to punch her out!
A little bit of background: 2 weeks ago, I had a miscarriage at 18 wks...then the following week, my 16-month-old was admitted into the hospital for mild pneumonia and an ear infection - needless to say, it was a rough 2 weeks. During this, DH couldn't get the skids because he was in the hospital with us. At first, BM was all "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that...Then can you get the skids for the next 2 weekends?", to which DH said OK. So, this was our first weekend back with them - and all they did was make messes, eat us out of house and home, and stare nosily at the neighbours over the fence. We found out that she got her "disability" cheque (or "free money" as she put it) and spent it on name brand clothes for the kids, as well as a new car and first/last months rent on a new apt (which is 4x as much as what she's paying now!). She was bragging to her friends about how much money she spent and blah blah blah...
Anyway, when DH dropped the kids off just now, she goes to him "So, are you gonna get the kids next weekend, or are you gonna have another lame excuse?" :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: I was like "Excuuuuuse me???" Medical emergencies are NEVER "lame excuses"! Just because she wants her weekend free from her ungrateful entitled little brats! I was LIVID! If HER kids were in the hospital, you can bet that she'd be using it as a guilt trip for DH. But when it's OUR kids, it's a "lame excuse"!
I know it's not worth getting upset over, but it's still upsetting She probably never wanted any of HER kids, so I doubt she'd understand or have a sympathetic bone in her body. DH said before that she was probably happy that I miscarried because that would just be another kid for DH to focus on other than hers. She's not worth her weight in spit, but she still shouldn't be able to get away talking like that about ANYONE! DH and I were fine getting the skids for another weekend in a row, but she just HAD to open her big-ass mouth! It was totally unnecessary and uncalled for! DH is contemplating NOT getting the skids, even though that would look bad and make us stoop to her level. IDK...
I'm just so pissed! AAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! >:/
- lac925's blog
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Swamp Hole is heartless too
Swamp Hole is heartless too and life is about her, forget other people's feelings. Sorry to hear of your loss (((((HUGS))))))
I'm sorry for your loss and
I'm sorry for your loss and your very terrible past few weeks.
Let me give you a big hug (((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))).
I had a dream last night that I beat the living crap out of our BM and it felt great!
BM is obviously a giant
BM is obviously a giant idiot. Don't waste emotion on the moron.
Hope your little person is doing much better and you get some rest!
It's not HER "disability" per
It's not HER "disability" per se...her daughter supposedly has ADHD (although DH and I don't notice anything "different" about her), so she just got her $18,000 cheque - what all that money is for, I don't know - certainly not for meds or learning materials or what not. She got another $18,000 before for her son - HE definitely has ADHD, too. So basically, all our taxpayers' money is paying for her new tattoos, her new $400 Lululemon outfit, the name brands on the kids' backs, her new apt, etc! Nothing that will benefit the kids and their "disabilities", that's for sure!
BTW, congratulations on your upcoming bundle of joy
LMAO! We always joke about
Thanks for the support,
Thanks for the support, ladies. I DID get a little teary-eyed, reliving the experience, but I got over it fast knowing that karma will be coming for her big-time! It just pisses me off to no end that these "women" (I use the term VERY loosely) can get away with saying awful things like this! I'm HUMAN (unlike BM), so things like this tend to get to me
On a more positive note, my little man IS home and doing well
He had a rough night in the hospital (don't get me started on the nurses!), and he was happy to be home 
yup. she sounds like sd20.
yup. she sounds like sd20. she was thrilled when i had my first miscarriage. had she known about the other 2, she would have gloated even more. OP, i lost a baby a year and a half ago at 17 weeks to infection. i know your pain and i'm so sorry. in time, you will get better. you will never forget, but you will learn how to manage your emotions, i promise.
Where I live worthless women
Where I live worthless women are always trying to get a "crazy check" (their term not mine) for their kids.
Success is finally getting your own apartment in the projects and a couple of "crazy checks". Worthless pigs.
I'm so sorry. BM found out I
I'm so sorry. BM found out I miscarried and was heartless about it too. These "women" may not like us, fine, but why not show some common courtesy and humanity?
I know DH is contemplating not getting the kids but BM is a POS so it's even more important that he is there for them. Instead, he just should not say one thing to her at exchanges. They can exchange info and communicate via email or a notebook and text in emergencies. Or go through a third party to do all of that. There are companies that do that. BM is evil so she is laughing at the fact that she got to you. DH's really limiting contact with her in the ways I suggested can take a lot of that power from her.
Lots of (((HUGS))).
As tempting as not getting
As tempting as not getting the skids is (especially when in a fit of rage), it WOULDN'T be the smartest thing to do - it would send a message to BM that she got to us. So, you're right. Our best revenge would be to live our lives happily (and without all the debt SHE'LL be facing lol) and not let her get to us! I mean, what else can we expect from BM except snarky remarks and complaints???
Anyway, she'll be homeless in a couple of months, so WE'LL be the ones laughing next. And if that means the skids (God forbid) have to live with us, all the better because she won't get a CENT!
Where will her $18k be THEN?
"...limiting contact with her in the ways I suggested can take a lot of that power from her"
Oh no, someone didn't tell
Oh no, someone didn't tell the skids BM that she could get disability money for her allowing their kindergarden teacher to diagnos them with ADHD. They are both on meds for ADHD but never a mention of disability money. SMDH!!
"Truth be told, visitation is
"Truth be told, visitation is offered to non-custodial and custodial has to have the child ready. BUT no one can force non-custodial to visit."
^ I agree. As long as he's making his CS payments, that's all the courts really care about, isn't it?
Soulless Gargoyle is what
Soulless Gargoyle is what your BM is. Lac, so sorry that you've had a really rough time of it lately. Hope it soon gets better.
I am sorry for the loss of
I am sorry for the loss of your baby lac25. Some BM's just don't realise how good they've got it when they have the full support of their ex-husbands. It's ridiculous how demanding and unreasonable they can get. I frickin' hate it!
We're just starting to get the kids all comfortable with visits and this weekend was a really good one. SD has no clothes at our place. She brings clothes with her and returns back home with it.
BM had the audacity to send DH an email telling him off for SD dressing inappropriately. WTF?!! SHE has the skids full time and we get them every 2nd weekend. Whatever outfit comes over in, is the outfit BM sends with her - or if SD picks it out herself, then BM should go through it before allowing her to come over with it. We've realised that BM is just actually pissed because the skids had a great weekend for once and is nitpicking.
That supid worthless, tactless, bitch of a moron should drop down to her knees and thank the moon and stars that she has an exDH who never fails in child support, sends money constantly for any extra's including jackets, medicals and kids activities among other things. She needs to find herself a flamin' life and leave her pettiness trapped shut in her worthless orifice of a hole she calls a mouth.
DH usually doesn't react to
DH usually doesn't react to the sh*t that comes out of BM's mouth - he's used to it and doesn't waste any breath on it. Which is right because BM's always looking for an excuse to start drama. He mostly feels sorry for her that her own life is so worthless that she needs to make others feel bad. If I had been there, however, the sh*t would've hit the fan!
Why do they consider ADHD a
Why do they consider ADHD a disability?? My DH has been recently diagnosed. He didn't go quit his job and he never got to quit paying his CS payments (for two "kids" who are over 18!!)