O/T - I can't believe the mom's comment!!
Here's the article:
Her mom says she guesses her daughter was just "having a bad day" !!!!!!
If she's like this at SIX, what will she be like at SIXTEEN?!?
- knucklehead's blog
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Whats O/T? Ive seen it used a
Whats O/T? Ive seen it used a fair amount on here and cant figure it out! Help please
.. Havent read the article yet, will do now.
thank you
thank you
WOW! Thats gonna be one
WOW! Thats gonna be one troublesome adult!!! -id be calling for an excorsist!! BITING THE DOOR KNOB!!! WTF????
I read it and my jaw dropped.
I read it and my jaw dropped. WTF? What 6 year old throws shelves, tries to break glass, and bites doorknobs?? And it's just a mood swing??
Gigglysnort!! coffee just
coffee just shot out my nose
Here is the problem schools
Here is the problem schools and other place of the like seem to have no authority any more as we keep taking away from them. And if this continues we will be taking it away from the police as well to the point that our children will be so out of control b/c their parents don't want to parent and refuse to let anyone else parent!
I work in a fairly large city
I work in a fairly large city school district and with mostly the "bad kids" if I had a dime for every time a kid said "You cant put your hands on me" when they are trying to leave, fighting, going ape shit etc. I wouldn't ever need to work again... and where do they learn it? From the low life parents.
This obviously uneducated mother is a piece of garbage. How ridiculous that her SIX year old daughter throws that type of fit and she is more concerned with the fact that the big bad police officer put handcuffs on her??? Really??? Oh that's right, she was just having a bad day... let's just let your 6 year old know that you condone her shitty treatment of others.
"She was given a Coke to calm
"She was given a Coke to calm her down" meh - give her sugar and caffine, that should help - LMAO
That's what I was thinking
That's what I was thinking when I read that story. She needs a Valium, not a Coke.
im having a bad day, here let
im having a bad day, here let me throw my chair at my boss...is this lady for real?
What 6 year old is still in
What 6 year old is still in Kindergarten? Where I live a 6 year old is in grade 1 by that point. Anyhoo, the kid sounds out of control.
My BD was 6 in kindergarten
My BD was 6 in kindergarten just because of the way her birthday fell. In fact, she turned 6 before she even started kindergarten. I tried like everything to get the school to make an exception for her but they would not bend the rules.
Reminds me of a kid my DD
Reminds me of a kid my DD went to school with in kindergarten.
For some reason, he hated my DD. Threw chairs and books at her. Dropped a desktop computer on her. Told her he was going to hide a knife in his backpack, bring it to school, and stab her until her guts fell out. My daughter told me about the threat.
The kindergarten teacher was a good friend of mine, so I called her and told her.
Teacher friend kept an eye on the boy, and sure enough, three days later she witnesses him pulling a steak knife out of his backpack.
When she explained how she knew this was going on to the principal, he issued an immediate gag order on her (teacher). If he found out she told me ANYTHING, he would get her reprimanded, suspended, and possibly fired because she would be violating the other kids' privacy because he was taken away in a police car after this happened.
So, the safety of my child was not as important as the "privacy" of this other child. Whatever.