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Lunchie *gag gag*

Kay2's picture

Sorry everyone, I need to vent for a moment! Sad

Incase you didn't see my last blog, I am due to have back surgery in
less than two weeks. I am in a ridiculous amount of pain the majority
of the time these days. Well FDH had to work this sunday, which meant
that I had to watch FSD6 all day alone until he got home. Not a good
time for me to be doing all this babysitting. FSD6 is an only child in
our household, and she is the "baby" in her mother's household. She
is a very dependent, demanding, needy child at times...well most of the
time....okay ALL the time lol.

Well Sunday was terrible for me, FDH woke FSD up before he left in the morning to get her breakfast, and plop her infront of the t.v, so I
didn't have to do it first thing. My pain is at it's peak first thing in
the morning. FDH accidentally woke me up by kissing me goodbye. So I
then had to get up because I became aware of the pain. So I took my pain
medicine and my muscle relaxers and shut my bedroom door and layed down.
(The pain can make me pretty vocal, didn't want to scare SD)

FDH had told SD before he left, to not disturb me until I came out of our bedroom. FDH left for work, and I swear that child was at my bedroom
door knocking for me to change the channel for her. I yelled "Not right
now" from the bed about three time, she kept saying "huh?" oddly enough I could hear her saying huh just fine, but whatever, I finally belted it out "NOT RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and she finally heard me.....She was back at the door 10 minutes after that for the same thing! OMG child, what did your father tell you?

Anywho.... SD went to school monday, and yesterday, we had a damn blizzard. So SD was off of school yesterday. My pain was so bad Monday night, I was afraid of being alone with SD by myself all day, WHEN SHE SHOULD BE IN SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRR!!!!!! FDH explained to her before he left, that she needed to not bug me unless it was important. He leaves for work. About 9am I drag myself into the kitchen, and prepare 4 snacks for SD that she can get herself; chips, yougert, applesauce exc. I also took her lunch box and packed her a lunch for 2:00 pm. I wrote on a the dry erase board right under the clock that she is to have her lunch at 2:00 (she can tell time on the digital clock).

Well about 30 minutes later, I am laying on the couch dozing from my muscle relaxers, and I hear SD walk into the kitchen (I can see our kitchen table from where I am laying) I hear her go to the fridge and thought it was a bit early for a snack (1 hour out from breakfast) but oh well. Then I hear her at the table, open my eyes and see her with HER LUNCH BOX. I said nope, go put that back in the frige, you know you are not supposed to eat that right now. I knew if I let her have it early she was just going to be hungry again at 2:00 and there would be no point to me packing her lunch, because I would end up getting up anyway to make ner ANOTHER lunch.

So after she returns to her bedroom, I slip into the kitch and hide her lunch box, I figure she can come ASK me where it is at 2:00. Well about 10 minutes after I hide it SD goes back into the kitch gets back into the fridge and yells to me:

SD: Kayyyyyyy where is my lunchie? (GOD I HATE THAT SHE ADDS THE IE)
ME: Is it lunch time yet?
SD: I don't know...
ME: YES you do know, you can tell time, and lunch time is written right under the clock.
SD: I just want to know where my lunchie is....
ME: I will tell you where your LUNCH is at lunch time.
SD: I just want to know....
ME: And I want to be able to trust you to not eat it early, but you showed me I can't. It is your fault I can't tell you where it is, becaue you didn't listen to me.

Well after this exchange she made it a point to appear every 5-10 minutes to ask;
1. When is lunchie?
2. How many more minutes until lunchie?
3. Can I have lunchie now?
4. I really wish I could have lunchie now, but you wont let me...
5. Where is my lunchie

:O Seriously not kidding one of the five above responses every 5-10 minutes for over two hours, the started about 10:00 and didn't end until 12:00 when I had finally had it, and banished her to her room until lunch time.

The worst thing about this situation is FDH's reaction. I spoke to him on the phone about an hour after lunch time, and explained the above exchange, his response? "Well maybe she was just hungry." OMG OMG OMG!!!
I don't give a fuck why the brat decided to nag me for two fucking hours, I want to know why in the hell that is accepatble bahavior from a 6 year old!! I can't jump the fuck up ever two hours on the dot and run into the kitchen and COOK that child whatever the hell she wants. She has an issue eating "cold" lunches, she doesn't want a sandwhich, she wants me to cook her a three course meal every two hours! That is crazy! So when he gets home he gives her "a good talking to" oddly enough he did the exact same thing before he left this morning...did that stop her HELL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I will cut myself off now, that was longer than I had intented for it to be, thanks for listening everyone Smile



Kay2's picture

Oh almost forgot, had to "babysit" yesterday, today, and her damn school has already cancelled for tomorrow. FML :O .

Kay2's picture

OMG Foxie I love this, and I already have the squirt bottle, just need to fill it up with cold water hehe }:)

Elizabeth's picture

Ha! I did that to BD7 last night as a sort of joke. She wouldn't stop bugging DH and I'd told her about three times to go brush her teeth, so I got my hand wet from the faucet and flicked it in her face. Once she got over the shock, I explained why I'd done it and sent her on her way. It works!

hismineandours's picture

not to be negative-but 6 year olds can't really be expected to mostly care for themselves all day-i can understand that she should be able to entertain herself for awhile-but this sort of frustrates me. When my kid was six I couldnt sleep on the couch or in my room for hours at a time no matter how I felt. And this is not a slam against you-it is a slam against your dh. If you are feeling that poorly you should not have to watch this kid. It is your dh's responsibility and since you are not well he should find alternate childcare. I understand that she is getting on your nerves, but I dont know that I find her responses that out of the ordinary for a bored 6 year old who is left to her own devices much of the day.

buttercookie's picture

I beg to differ. My parents had to work and I was in half day kindergarden. I was shown how to use the microwave and how to do basic stuff and I was home alone on snow days I was 5-6. Now a days my parents would have gotten in trouble but its how you raise a kid and what you expect out of them. Kids today are coddled

hismineandours's picture

It is not appropriate to leave a 5 or 6 year old home alone-it isnt now and it wasnt back then. Your parents would have gotten into trouble back then as well had it come to the attention to the proper authorities. While I agree that there is alot of coddling going on in today's society-basic supervision of a 6 year old is NOT coddling.

buttercookie's picture

again this child is not being left unsupervised she's just expected (rightfully so) to not bug the SM who is in excruciating pain every 5 minutes with asinine inane banter or questions. This kid is far from being neglected and while her behavior may be the new normal for kids it should not be tolerated. At her age she should be able to entertain and comfort herself for more than 5 minutes and since the SM in question is in so much pain the H should make arrangements for his brat to be cared for if he can't or won't teach her to be civilized. Just think of how fun it's going to be working with these children when they become adults I am not looking forward to it one bit but seeing how lazy most of them are I doubt I will have to.

purpledaisies's picture

Your dh needs to get a baby sitter for his daughter! She can't be expected to take care of herself all day long. She is just 6. I understand you are feeling really bad which is why I said he needs to get her a baby sitter and not expect you to do it.

purpledaisies's picture

Sorry will have to disagree I don't think she is a brat I think she is just lonely and wanted someone to talk too. I mean all by herself all day long? Yeah I would want someone to talk to too.

Kay2's picture

I interact with her all day long, I don't expect her to stay in her room all day, I just have to keep getting up and down to a minimum, and I don't think it is too much to expect that out of a six year old. That doesn't mean that I can't play with her.

I agree that other arrangments for childcare should have been made, but it isn't my place to do that. If FDH wants to leave her with me, this is how it has to be. She should be in school this week, which would allow me plenty of time to rest. These snowdays are killing me, just needed to vent about it. :?

buttercookie's picture

This kid is a brat and like I said in your other blog your husband needs to discipline her (paddle her buns, time out whatever works) and/or get a babysitter, you have a legit reason to need rest and its not like your neglecting her you just need rest. Every 5 minutes is excessive. She should be able to entertain herself for an hour or two and I think its becoming a game to annoy you and she's enjoying every minute of it. I think Foxie had it best with the squirt bottle.

Kay2's picture

Roughly 2000 miles, away, she is semi involved. Over the last few months with my injuries, hes has left her with every friend that we have. I really just want him to pay for daycare.

buttercookie's picture

I wouldn't leave her with any friend you have unless you don't want to have any more friends. He should discipline her there is no reason she can't entertain herself some and save you the cost of day care. Have him pick some stuff at the library for her

sixteensmom's picture

Back pain is terrible. I can't imagine !

However, when she started the 5 minute lunchie wailing I would have given her the lunchie that you got up off the couch to hide. Then while you were up you could have shown her how to go fishing for a snack........

jar or peanut butter = bait
pretzel sticks = fishin pole
gold fish crackers = prize

Dip, Stick, Eat.

Woulda kept her entertained long enough for you to get back to the couch.

6 is too young to take care of/entertain herslef all day. Doesn't she have any friends with parents who could have taken her this time. Then next year when your back is better you can reciprocate on a snow day.

buttercookie's picture

She never said the kid needed to entertain herself all day just that the kid needs to stop bothering her every 5 minutes for stupid stuff. At 6 yoa the kid can entertain herself for an hour or two. Having a friend over may help (its a good suggestion) or make it worse depending on the friend. This is becoming a game for the 6 year old and I'm sure she's enjoying bothering her stepmom. Some kids will take any type of attention even if its negative. This kid needs to be set straight if she's this much of a brat at 6 I fear the teen years.

majka's picture

This is why I am actually GLAD that i have two stepchildren around the same age. My skids are 4 and 5 and they ALWAYS entertain each other... simply because i refuse to. They will play together for HOURS without disturbing me! And trust me, I thank my lucky stars for this!! I have told them, and my DH that I refuse to entertain a child.

simifan's picture

I work night work & BS8 is always been very independent, but somehow when I'm asleep all that knowledge flies out the window. Best idea I ever had... Teach him Daddy's cell number.

Rags's picture

A 6yo will fit in a slow cooker if prepared properly. "Lunchie" many more times will get HER served for lunch. Wink

That baby talk crap is just annoying once a kid gets past 4yo IMHO.

"Lunchie" :sick:

MamaBecky's picture

If you are physically unable to function normally your husband should be reamed for forcing his not yet independent child on you. She is to young to be independent although I'm sure being babied and coddled doesn't help. Also if he chooses to leave her with you it does not mean that you are obliged to stay with her. Tell him NO. Your health and comfort are to important and you will NOT keep her during the day. If there is a snow day he will have to make other arrangements. Dont tell him it is an option...just tell him that it is a fact. You are not physically able to be responsible for a small child at this time. End of subject.

Kay2's picture

Thanks everyone, for the support. Really just needed to get that off my chest. Don't get me wrong, I love this kid, she is with us nine months out of the year, and she is a very loving child. She is just babied WAY too much by her BM and FDH. FDH's big problem at the moment, is being way too soft with her.

He came home on Wednesday evening, after yet another day of snowday hell for me. He goes into SD's bedroom and apparently she had wet her pants. He spanks her, comes out of her room sits down by me and says "there is NO excuse for that!" I looked at him in utter disbelief, she just got a "talking to" for being a little butt with me for a total of FOUR days, she got "talked to" every day, did it help...uh NO! So I kinda tore him a new one, "Okay FDH let me get this straight, she wets her pants and gets spanked, the highest form of disapline you use, she absolutly REFUSED to mind me for FOUR DAYS! and she gets talked to? WTF! So her wetting her pants is a higher level offense than refusing to mind an adult?"

His logic is just fucking awesome. Don't even get me started on BM, she was in town back in December to pick up SD for Christmas break, I played the good host and we invited them over for dinner three nights in a row, because BM doesn't want her eating "processed food". They get in the door and BM picks up this 6 year old child, tilts her to the side so BM can remove her shoes from her feet. Knee jerk reaction I said "She IS capable of doing that for herself" oops... oh well, she isn't doing that child any favors, by not allowing her to become independent. SD is BM youngest, she has two other children, both are teenagers. So SD is her "baby" :sick:

That is where this shit comes from, this kid is a product of her environment.