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OMGOMG! I'm FUMING..just when i said I wouldn't let her get to me

kaffonseca's picture

My BD13 is home just getting over the flu and so SS was home with her afterschool instead of the normal sitter (we didn't want to risk the germs getting to her son who has disabilities)..and SS was not feeling well in the morning.

So BD13 and SS go to the park..well on the way back who comes down the street HONKING her horn..but Ms. Piggy...and instead of just driving by..she stops..because she wants to see SS. (she is not his BM but my FH's X and so she USED to take care of SS).

So she stops in the middle of the road and makes my daughter stand there while she gets out of car and makes a huge production of seeing SS and opening the car so her son (other SS can see him..) We just had SS2 all weekend until she picked him up last's not like the brothers never see each other..than she says to SS "oh daddy told me you were home sick today"

FLAG - how the hell did she know that??? obviously she spoke to my FH and he told her that SS5 was home sick...

so than she goes on to ask my BD a million and one questions..than asked SS what he wanted for his bday..etc..etc..that his "birthday is coming up"..YEA WE KNOW THAT.

so I call FH and he's like "calm down..not that big of a deal" did she know?

Oh - "he went to McD's for lunch and she was big deal"..ok..well obviously you had a friggen' conversation with her and told her every little friggen' thing..but now it's not a big deal.
IT IS A BIG DEAL to me..because how many other times do you talk to her and see her that I DONT KNOW ABOUT????

I can't drive down her street without her laying on her horn the whole time..yet she can come to my house with no problems..and she can stop my daughter in the middle of the street and it's ok?

see we made an agreement, that I would not ask about her if he told me when he does see her or talk to her outside of pickup./dropoffs..

so after that whole blog about not letting her get to me -guess what -- I'm about to walk out on FH over this..she is in my daily life and I'm tired of it.


mrsparks's picture

I try not to let our quack get to me too but it still happens..
I am up DH's a** when it comes to any and all communication with BM if I found out they were communicating unbeknownst [sp?] to me.. I would go insane!
She is so sneaky and manipulative and has been trying to get DH alone to talk to without me around, which fuels the rage.. Hang in there!

kaffonseca's picture

Holly, they weren't having lunch they were I would be out of the house..

No..they both just "happened" to be at mcdonalds at the same time..just like they both "happened " to be at the doctors the sam time a few weeks ago. I know it's strictly coincidence but I hate it

"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"

kaffonseca's picture

I have a very suspicious mind..but in this case no I don't. We live VERY close to BM. The dr's office YES..I almost think that maybe when she scheduled her son's visit she knew of SS's visit (she used to make and take SS to his maybe the office called her to remind her of his appt. and at that time she made her sons??)

But there was drama at that visit as she wanted to take SS5 with her when she left and FH told her NO WAY..and she had a little temper tantrum(she is not SS5's BM).

The Mcd;s was lunch and Mcd's is close to both his job and I do beleieve it's coincidence..but if it keeps happening, beleive me I'll be questioning.

"He grew up in my heart, not my belly"

BMJen's picture

that you have to deal with this shit on a daily basis. Your husband needs to tell this psycho to stop the stupid honking. And please, don't ever stop for her again.

And yes, your husband being there and running into her during lunch *and not telling you about it* is a GREAT BIG HUGE freaking deal! How would he feel if you sat there and discussed your life and whats going on with a x of yours? Oh, but let me guess, it's not the same thing right, because she's the BM. Nope, sorry Kaff's DH, it is the same damn thing.

Sometimes the DH's are the ones that are wrong. I would be livid, and I'm sure you are to.

I am SOOOOOOOOO sorry you have to deal with this, all the time. Every day. Enough already. Put this bitch in her place, and make sure if your DH has any questions you put him in his as well. Make a stand sister, enough is enough with this pshyco. Sometimes you just have to stand up for yourself, and your family.


~Happiness is defined by the smile on your face, not the frown on others.~

KeepsGettingBetter's picture

I actually posted a blog about the amount of time BF and BM talk on the phone. Although he isn't actually seing her like your DH but it annoys me just as much.
Afew times BF tried to hide phone calls from me but when I found out, it made it look 10 times worse than if he had of told me when the convo actually took place.

I'm sorry that you are going through this and I couldn't think of anything worse than going about my daily life knowing that BM could be around any corner.

Have you spoken to your DH about how much his contact with BM is affecting you?

Stay strong hun. My thoughts are with you.

LotusFlower's picture

I'm so sorry....I know how this miserable woman is interfering in yur daily life....I know u r feeling betrayed by FH because he agreed to tell u when he spoke to her....SIGH....its a tough one....she doesn't get it that she is OUT OF THE PICTURE!!!....that's his job....u have to find a way to get him to understand how much this bothers u and how bad of an affect it has on yur relationship.....I'm here for ya girl!!!....sending hugs yur way Smile

"there are three sides to every story....your side, my side and the truth :)"