SD got hit by a drunk driver last night
Driving home from evening class at 10pm and the drunk totalled her new (to her) car.
The beetle was literally laying on it's roof.
SD19 spent 6 hours at the ER.
Good news: Nothing broken, 20+ stitches (a couple here, a couple there to seal up glass cuts) MRI, CAT scan and multiple Xrays later she was discharged home with pain killers and muscle relaxers. Her neck was already throbbing by the time we got home. She does have a goose egg on the side of her head, her chest and shoulder hurt from the seatbelt locking up and doing its job and she will likely have bruising. There is a question IF one rib is fractured, ER doc isn't sure and treatment is leave it alone and let it heal. It could just be the one her bone is, but 'take it easy' was the treatment for it. Somehow, just to add insult to literal injury she lost a shoe during the ordeal.
Her graduation car is totalled. I don't need an insurance adjuster to tell me its dead. When its missing an entire axel and one tire is literally across the road from where the car is: no bueno.
From what the police report says: SD19 was car 4 or 5 to go through the intersection once the light turned green. Drunk plowed through a red light and smashed into the drivers side front quarter panel and wheel well, flipping the bug and sending it skidding on its roof for 25 feet. Impact did not stop the drunks car, which then hit the beetle again in the ass end as it skidded. Beetle ended up pinned between drunk car and concrete light post.
The important thing is SD is ok.
She will have a nasty case of whip lash I am sure.
And the car can be replaced.
But DH and I had heart attacks first time any of the kids has been in an accident, and it was BAD. The drunk is REALLY lucky the cops got her first! I see the pictures of the car and violence just explodes in my head. I literally want to beat this woman sooooooo badly!!!!
How drunk was she? Legal 'limit' is 0.08. She blew a 2.2.
- just.his.wife's blog
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I'm so glad sd is ok. Lots of
I'm so glad sd is ok. Lots of (((HUGS))) to her.
HOLY CRAP! I am so glad she
HOLY CRAP! I am so glad she is ok and no major damage to her. Insurance is there for a reason and that part will at least be ok. I can't imagine what you and your husband went through last night. ((Hugs)) I know that religion is a taboo topic on this site, but thank God it was not worse!
She is so lucky. I am glad
She is so lucky. I am glad she made it through as well as she did.
Hopefully the courts will not treat this lightly and the drunk lady will get the maximum punishment.
I spent five years drilling
I spent five years drilling into these kids heads: You must wear a seatbelt.
Doctor told skid had she not been wearing it, she would have been dead. So nylon and one second saved this kids life. She is miserable, will miss her class today because she honestly just can't move comfortably at all. I am up helping her until noon, DH is sleeping, at noon we are swapping, I get to sleep and he is getting up to help/watch her.
She is really upset, because she just finished personalizing her car. Bought the stickers for it and had it looking like a lady bug, even bought the funny looking oversized eye lashes for the head lights. She isn't complaining "oh I hurt" or whining, she is getting all teary eyed because the car we bought her, that she worked her butt off to earn is destroyed.
Poor thing has gone so far as to apologize for not avoiding the accident and killing the car like its her fault
At least you know she is
At least you know she is finally shedding the evil influences of her BM and becoming a decent human being. Poor kid!
Wow. That could have been so
Wow. That could have been so much worse. Thank goodness for the safety advances that have been made with cars.
Oh my gosh, so glad she is
Oh my gosh, so glad she is going to be okay! That had to be super scary for her and you too. Cars and possessions can be replaced but not people. I'm sure she's going to be sore for a while, she'll have aches in places she never realized, but at least she's alive. I feel bad for her losing her car, it sounds like she was really proud of it. Maybe she can find another one similar or one she likes even better.
As for the drunk driver, I hope they hang her! No such luck, but I hope they don't do like Illinois does and turn her loose to do it again.
So glad she was not hurt
So glad she was not hurt seriously. Cars can be replaced, people can not.
Take MJ's advice also ^^^^
This is great advice! I
This is great advice! I would also add, take her to her primary doctor as well. Might as well while it is all covered and just to be sure of anything the ER may have missed or anything that didn't present right away. Sometimes the shock of everything hinders the feelings of certain pain or symptoms.
Wow! Glad she's OK. I'm so
Wow! Glad she's OK. I'm so nervious about that kind of shit now that my BS17 is driving. So scary....
WOW its really great that she
WOW its really great that she is doing ok.
Watch her for the next few
Watch her for the next few weeks. Brain injuries often take a month to become apparent. They often do not show up on MRI or cat scans. Look for scattered thinking, inability to concentrate, if she starts miss placing things like keys, phone, has trouble finding the correct words. Find a docs that deal with TBI.
Thank god she had on her seat
Thank god she had on her seat belt, thank god she is alive. Watch her close like the others said I had a classmate in my medic class no less flipped his car passed out and came to class next day with a fractured wrist. he was describing how he felt and all the signs were there for a head bleed, sure enough after half the class badgered him he went back to the hospital, and he had slow internal head bleed.
She'll heal but will probably be nervous to drive. Call a lawyer now get the insurance ball rolling.
Glad she is OK!
Glad she is OK!
So glad she is ok! Car can be
So glad she is ok! Car can be replaced. She really is lucky! I hope the book gets thrown at the drunk driver. A 2.2 on the breathalyzer?! I can't believe she was even able to walk to her car, much less try to drive it!
Glad she is ok, please keep
Glad she is ok, please keep an eye on her. As others have said it can take a bit for any brain injury to show itself. Cars can be replaced, her life is precious.
BS28 was a passenger in a car hit by a drunk driver a few years ago. That call from the hospital brought me to my knees. Broken femur, ankle and a lacerated liver from the seatbelt. It took him 15 weeks to walk again and he'll always deal with pain. Get a lawyer to protect her from over zealous claims adjusters, they always want to settle quickly.
So glad everyone is okay.
So glad everyone is okay. 3.0 and up can be lethal when drinking. Shame on this woman. And yes keep an eye on your SD. Sounds like a nasty wreck. I used to drive a beetle and they are very safe. Did her airbag go off?
Very glad she's ok - sounds
Very glad she's ok - sounds like she has been born a second time! It's a reminder of how precious life is and how easily it can be gone in an instant.
she is so very lucky while I
she is so very lucky while I at her age was not. i was hit head on by a drunk driver, i certainly didnt fair as well.
please make sure that any and all back pain that should arise in the next couple of months is address it can take some time for them to show up.