We have come so far....It is almost over....
Well as of Tuesday the final paperwork is executed and being filed with the court. DH has SS13 and BM has SD15. No CS. No visitation for DH for SD15. It is at her discretion. Which basically means none...Total brat! SS13 has 9 more weekends with his mom and 2 weeks broken up during the summer. THen in July when he turns 14 he gets to decide if he wants to see her. If his attitude towards her is any indication, there will be very little. I have mentioned that he should try to think about dinners once a month with her. She is still his mom. This speaks volumes for me that I would care about her feelings when she does so little to be concerned about DH and seeing SD.
I feel like the last two years has been so filled with drama. DH and I are like veterans of a war that we didn't want to be a part of. BM has made our lives hell and now it is over. At least it will be in July.
SD15 is covered on DH insurance until she graduates HS or turns 20. Apparently here in GA, the judges change it from 18 to 20. Why motivate them to get a job, that would be crazy. The odds of this girl going on to college are slim. As of this week, she is all D's and C's. Not going to happen...Good job BM and your inability to parent. Now we get to see her bills until 20 years of age. I fought this with DH because I feel that if she doesn't graduate, she needs to get a job or BM should pay for her insurance. She has insurance, it is just not as good as DH's. The Bithc started all of this and wanted to have SD, why can't she pay for her damn insurance. If it cost us a $1 more, we wouldn't have agreed. We did add a clause that said if his went up, BM would cover SD and he would cover SS. I just feel like it is not even. Everything else is even between the kids and the parents, except this. The bitch wanted the kid, she should have to pay for her...At least we do not have to pay a single medical bill and we don't have to send anything to her for SS. SS is healthy and not attention seeking so he doesn't go to the doctor as much. SD15 just went to a facility on a three-day hold because she felt like suicide. Ha Ha, if you are depressed you are not all over facebook posting pictures of you and your friends all over town having a grand old time. BM feel for the poor is me story and hospitalized her because the therapist thought it was a good idea. If she is really this screwed up, there would more indicators. There are none, I am sure her bad grades got her grounded in BM's attempt to parent and she turned on the waterworks...Well the bill is well over 2500.00 for this and what inurance doesn't pay it is all on BM....How is that working for you now!!! Where is she going next time everybody is against her??? Rehab?
SS13 is doing great. He has all A's and B's and I think one C now. He was doing terrible when we had 50/50. In the last three months that we have had full custody, he is starting to develop a much stonger personality and he has a voice. When SD was around him, he never spoke. Since she left and he is no longer at mom's during the week, he seems like a different kid.
My son and DH get along so well and SS gets along with BS16. There is no more drama and no more hurt feelings. So nice...
So much so that next weekend DH is taking the boys out for Brazilian restaurant and I am having a wine tasting party here for some friends. Complete Girl's night. It is so nice to know that the three of them can spend time together and have fun.
DH is great in that he takes each of them out alone and takes them out together. Truly this is what I wanted for my life after my husband died. I just wish it could have been less traumatic to get here and didn't need lawyers. I really hope for more for my SD, but honestly unless BM changes her parenting or lack thereof she is headed down a very different path than what could have been had DH been allowed to parent effectively. After being on this blog for the last two years, I have seen too many of these Steps get out of control because one of the parents can't back up the other parent on discipline. We are truly raising an entitled generation and it is our fault...
I sat in a room last night for a recognition banquet for Eagle Scouts and Scouters. 143 Eagle scouts were honored from last year in our council. 7 adults were honored for Silver Beaver (Scouting's highest honor for adults). This is a phenomenal number of hard working kids. Honestly these type of kids are truly going to have to make it up for the others that aren't willing to work as hard. It was very humbling last night and as a mom, I was proud of my one of 143, but to see them all there was phenomenal. One young man that was there from our troop, his parents are embattled in a very bitter custody and divorce and neither parent showed up last night. I just don't understand why parents don't see what this does to their kids.
Sorry for rambling, but I do want some to know that their is light at the end of the tunnel. And for me as long as SD is at BM's, my tunnel is getting shorter every day...
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Honestly I am trying, but it
Honestly I am trying, but it is so hard on DH when he gets the bills. He doesn't have to pay them, but they still come to us. BM doesn't clue him in on things. This is how we found out about the three day hold. A dad should not find that stuff out from the insurance statement.
I just think it is a reminder and a little twist of the knife for 4 more years. That is the part I am disgusted by.
DH signed it and I agreed, but I did tell him if we are doing it then he is to keep no more secrets and has to disclose these bills to me and the emails from SD and BM. The enemy I know is a lot better than the enemy I don't. He agreed...
The house is calm now and that is so nice, I just want to move on with our lives and hope she stays with her mom...I am sure there is entitlement conversations coming about college and weddings, but we have nothing in the paperwork that says we have to pay for anything. DH won't and has conveyed that several times, but you do see parents on her waffling when the kids come with their hand out.