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Family Christmas party

jojo68's picture

Guess I must overreact to SD12 close to 13 now sitting on her father's lap for over an hour at a time all the while he is holding her with his arms embraced around her,fingers intertwined as he is rocking her or rubbing up and down her back or patting her ass or rubbing her leg. Everyone at the party thinking how sweet...I actually thought things were getting better but this was the worst it has ever been. Seems like being in a social setting is a trigger. I feel sick and I honestly think it must be me who has the problem.


Willow2010's picture

patting her ass

jojo68's picture

Yep patting her ass...there are no boundaries with any of these people apparently. My ex didn't do this with our daughter and I never did this with my father...I would have been mortified

B22S22's picture

I'm sorry, but, ewwwwww.

I read a lot of that on here, and I cringe every time.

I don't know, maybe it's because I didn't come from a "huggy" family. But ANY family members being too huggy creep me out, even though it's always with the best intentions. My first husband's dad is a huggy person, and I got to the point I'd just avoid him if he started to come near me. I see my son and daughter doing the same thing.

I just don't get these dads who do it with their kids (whether sons or daughters), especially when they're older. Maybe I'm the one with the hang-up.

jojo68's picture

Yes it is terrible and not fair to anyone involved. I feel like a damn fool and I don't want to go anywhere with DH when SD is around because it is so embarrassing

jojo68's picture

Wow I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this weird especially when lots of people see it and most especially when dh's family is around...I don't get it

Hanny's picture

My SO's 18 year old daughter (first year in college) is back from college for holidays. She was over on Sat night (her request) to decorate tree with her sister 23 and sister's BF. The 18 year old was pouting, I think disappointed because her sister's BF was there with us and he was decorating the tree, and really enjoying it. So she started pouting and laying on the couch while we were all having a good time. SO goes over and sits by her and starts rubbing her back and arm (just like he does to me when we are out to dinner sitting next to each other). Well it was kinda bothering me, I didn't say anything. But I wanted to say, let her pout, things cannot always be her way. I'm not looking forward to the next 4 weeks she will be in town. Her (first BF) BF is coming on the 28th for a week, we'll see how she acts then. She has never liked any boy that her sister has been with. She is a spoiled, overindulged 18 year old that acts like a 13 year old. She used to be very jealous of me when I was around a few years ago, she would hang all over her dad, have her hands on his legs, rubbing his leg. I told him it was gross, he said she only did it when I was around. Once she started having a life (girl friends) she got over that kinda least acting out. I'm sure I still bug her. My SO calls me 'darlin'...he calls her darlin'...doesn't have the same meaning that it used to for me ;).