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Topics I hope to gain insight on through StepTalk...

jl725's picture

I'm new to StepTalk and thought I'd start blogging. It's great that there are resources such as this one where people experiencing similar difficulties can get together to help each other or just vent. (Isn't the internet great!) This blog is partly to keep tabs on myself on my own difficulties to date and partly to help others out there that might be going through similar things. I'm going to check back regularly to see what kind of progress I've made on these issues. For the simple fact that things were harder months and even just weeks ago, I have faith that these issues too will be worked out - either in my head or with the other players. My biggest issue that hovers over ALL of my other issues is that I'm never sure if I really *should* be concerned with something at all. I am, as most women are, an emotional creature. I just want to be sure that I also remain rational. So here goes, the dreaded list!

(1) What kind of communication is appropriate for my husband and his ex-wife?
(2) How do we handle holidays and special days? When should we involve his ex-wife and when should I insist we include only "our" family?

Wow... that is all I have for my list right now. I'll add new blogs as I think of more!


Krissy's picture

Hi! Welcome, I am new also! BM and stbx-SM here!

Because these are emotional situations, it's always hard to know what the "right" way to act is. I tend to get VERY upset at things and I really have to work at controlling my kneejerk reactions to things. For me, I have found that when I am about to get upset, or if I am feeling extremely emotional, I will NOT allow myself to act on my feelings for an hour. If after that hour, I still feel upset, I will follow my gut and do or say something. Many times, after that time, I have calmed down and I think more clearly. This technique has worked wonders for me.

Everything else sort of comes in time...and we have a CO so that irons things out too. Without it, we'd be fighting with BB 24/7.


jl725's picture

I like the hour trick! Will think of that in the future.

Could you clarify the acronyms for me? I make a post in the suggestions forum about defining them... but have yet to find anything. Thanks Smile

Krissy's picture

Let's see...some common ones are:

BM=Birth Mother
BB=Birth Bitch
DH=Dear Husband
DS/DD=Dear Son/Daughter
DSS/DSD=Dear Stepson/daughter

I used CO for court order...stbx for Soon To Be ExHusband. I have some time so I'll go look at your post to see if there's anything I can clarify! Smile