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My Life

jennifer23's picture

Well as you seen I am 23 married with 2 sons one with husband and 2 step-daughters and a step-son.

From the very fist day his BM\XW has been a bit*h. the kids like me where there here. they tell her other wise but same for there dad they like moms girlfriend but not when there here. I dont know what to do. She really isnt like that with the kids she dont want me with H she wants him back and I dont know..


Cheyenne Arizona's picture

Children are smarter then we give them credit for - if they can manipulate both sides to accomplish their goal (attention, getting something, keeping you on your toes, etc.) they will. It isn't as vindictive as it would be for an adult, they have just figured out a way to "survive" in the chaos of blended families.

smurfy1smile's picture

How old is your DH?

jennifer23's picture

my husband is 26 almost 27. also what is dh stand for as you can tell i am new i dont know what alot of the things stand for lol

frustratedinMA's picture

for most dear husband.. dh could also stand for d*ck head if you need it too!! lol

melis070179's picture

Click on FAQ on the left hand of the screen & it will tell you most of the abbreviations used on here Smile

Just because you CAN give birth, doesn't mean you SHOULD

frustratedinMA's picture

Are you saying his ex is Bi? that she goes w/both men and women? that she is with a woman now, but wants your dh back?

melis070179's picture

If she wants him back, is a bitch & making your life hell, and he slept with her...I don't see how you can ever be happy in this situation. I think you should take your son & move on. You're very young, that is a lot to deal with for the rest of your life. It may take you a couple years to realize it, but I think in the long run you'll be better off when you leave him. Marriage is hard enough without throwing in an affair, ESPECIALLY WITH AN EX-WIFE who is a bitch and wants your husband back, plus stepkids. Even if you love him, I think you will end up resentful and broken by this situation. I wish you the best and the strength to deal with the situation he's put you in Sad