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BM is having her "cancer" surgery today.

invisiblestepmom's picture

BM is having her ovaries removed today to see if her supposed breast and uterine cancers has spread there too. If you've read my other blogs about SD's leukemia you will see why I say supposed. I see this woman weekly and this is not a woman who appears to be sick, does not appear to be on chemo, has said her doctors weren;t treating the said cancer because they wanted to wait and see, has had lumps removed and checked on her breast supposedly, I dont think she ever had surgery so I don't know how doctors remove the lunps without breat surgery...she has had a hysterectomy supposedly to remove uterine cancer...but no chemo, no radiaoton, no medical is all very fishy to me...Doctors dont just wait and see, especially since she told us two years ago that this caner spread to her ovaries and she is just having them removed now after no chemo and no radiation...doctos done leave cancer in your body for two years and just wait and now it is out turn to wait and see how real it is...or not. Its hard ot have sympathy for this witch but I hope she does not have cancer and that the surgery goes well. However I am not going to get all worried for her and the kids until the result are in as we've been down this road before...according to her she's always postive for cancer but then has no treatment for it? So I dont know is she telling the truth and very lucky that every time they take tissues to test they get it all and she does not need treatment...Is she lying for the attention? Or is she really just that stupid and thinks every cyst is cancer.? I feel kinda bad because I am praying for her health but at the same time I am sick of all the drama and really dont care.


JustAnotherSM's picture

Yikes! I worked with a crazy lady once who told everyone in the office she had cancer and was going for surgery. We all wanted to send flowers to the hospital. But when we started investigating, she wasn't at the hospital she told her boss she would be at. She wasn't at any of the local hospitals. Some time later, we found out that she got knocked up by another co-worker and was going for an abortion! Why don't people just keep their health matters private if they don't want anyone to know what's going on?

ChaiLatte's picture

I've had some experience with people who fake serious illnesses and its pretty sick. Yes, I do believe this is done for attention. Also, it is done to avoid having to deal with the expectations society has for healthy people. This is very sad that this woman is behaving this way, and is a mother. Children who grow up seeing this are likely going to try to take advantage of people this way as well. Why can't people just go to therapy when they clearly have issues dealing?

"There comes a time when you have to surrender the idea of what your children could be to the reality of who they are."

invisiblestepmom's picture

my sentiments exactly...for the past few years SS has been on the brink of a melt down and says it is because he constantly worries his mom is going to die because she tells them she has cancer... I as a mother would not worry my kids until It was found confirmed and I started treatment. She tells the kids every lump and bump on herself and them could be cancer to worry them...and also guilt them into behaving for her...

imagr8tma's picture

OMG invisible - I feel bad for the SK's. I hope she doesn't have cancer for the kids sake. Hopefully, she is just looking for attention - even though that is horrible in itself.

Dang........ she is just nuts.

********She doesn't have to love me or even like me - it doesn't change a dang thing..... So get over it and move on BM!************

invisiblestepmom's picture

Yeah I hope for the kids sake she does not have cancer, however if she cries wolf enough one of these times the cancer will be real and bite her in the ass because it will be hard to believe her and offer her help and support after all the years of false positives and fake cancer drama...I think she should be careful what she wishes for, if she says she has cancer enough, one of these times it could be real and it could kill her so she shouldn't mess with her kids or anyone else like this for that matter. It also not nice to those who really do have cancer to act like she has it when she doesn't.

Storm76's picture

There is a condition called Munchausen's (sp!) where people either fake illness or deliberately injure themselves because they thrive on the attention they then get from others. Especially if she's telling the kids any little lump & bump could be cancer it could well be this. It does sound very fishy, and no Dr would leave surgery for 2 years to 'wait and see', also if she had a hysterectomy surely they would have taken the ovaries at the same time if there was potential problems there?

It is possible that she's had non-cancerous tumours, and either doesn't understand the difference, or says they were cancer to elicit more sympathy.