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BM PAS while talking on speaker phone to SD.

Integ95's picture

BM called last night at her CO time. FDH always listens to the conversation because we had problems in the past. Well all of a sudden SD asked BM why she didn't call the other night. BM said your daddy never answers the phone. He doesn't want me to talk to you. If it wasn't court ordered i wouldn't see you either. Then tells her she plans on filing for full custody soon because her father is bad parent.
Why in the hell would this woman blatantly do this when she knows we are listening. She is telling this to a 4 year old. Needless to say FDH stopped the conversation right there. I wrote what happened down as i have been since she has been giving us trouble the past few weeks.
For a woman who doesn't work she has the nerve to call my FDH unstable because he switched jobs last year to make $2.50 more an hour. And he use to drink when he was with her. Unbelievable. I doubt the judge will take SD out of this home. Especially when she is finally stable and not moving 12 different places in 2 years like she did when she was with BM. Where does this bitch get off?
One more thing she tries to tell us my SD sleeps in the bed with us because that what SD tells her. WTF our bedroom is downstairs and the kids bedrooms are upstairs. They have their own beds. I barely let BS sleep with me when he is scared. She is demanding we show pictures at modification to prove SD has a bedroom.


Integ95's picture

Heck no she dont sleep in our bed! the kids each have their own rooms beds toy boxes dressers etc......