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A little rant

Imustbcrazy's picture

Okay, I have been reading through all of these posts about how us Stepmom have a much bigger battle than that of a Stepdad. Now this is just my wheels turning here but this is my thought on this....

How often do we hear of a Deadbeat MOM on the news, or in everyday conversation... NOT OFTEN, how often do we hear of a DEADbeat dad? ALL OF THE TIME. Now the GOOD Dads like my DH have been stripped of their rights for so many years and "given" weekend visitation time because that was "the norm" just to have the BM's give them the title of DEADBEAT DAD'S because they don't help raise their kids, yet it is because THEY FAUGHT FOR FULL CUSTODY AND WON, because that is "the norm". I think in many cases the DEADBEAT DAD was thrust upon them by the decision of the court to not only give the mom full custody and grant very little visitation to the father, but also slam them with LARGE child support payments that only makes it harder for them to survive and establish a home of their own in which a child would even WANT to go stay a weekend at with them. HOW FAIR IS THIS? Now I understand that there is the TRUE DEADBEAT that refuses to see the child, refuses to take part in raising the child, and this is a completely different story, but as for myself, I know several woman that label the fathers of their children as deadbeats, but I can only imagine how these men feel when they are not "allowed" to see their kids yet they pay out the ass for them. So because DAD has to work the weekend to make sure the child support is PAID and they can't spend the time with the child... now they are a deadbeat? I blame vindictive MEAN BM's for much of this. SO.... along comes "Prince Charming" into BM's life, AHHHH poor SS, his Dad is a DEAD BEAT, well don't worry, I will take care of your child. BM then forces her new man into the childs life and while the love and respect may be genuine, on both ends, I think in a lot of cases, BM has squeezed the "deadbeat" dad of every once of energy, fighting to see their child, trying to make ends meet with making child support payments... women can be so cruel....

SO, then the flipside is the WICKED stepmother... we are with the "deadbeat dad" RIGHT THERE, WE LOSE... how on earth is a child supposed to LOVE US???? It is an uphill battle from DAY ONE. So while we are just as loving an nuturing, and all of that just like the ol' STEPDAD, STEPMOM gets no respect. We are left hung out to dry. So who do we have to thank for all of these stereo types that we are left to deal with???? WOMEN! Gosh dang women can be MEAN and HATEFUL and will do whatever it takes to seek revenge and justice (although normally not due justice, only in their mind). So YES I do believe it true that the Stepdad's of the world have it WAY easy... in most cases.

Let me share a little something though. My girls DO NOT have a DEADBEAT DAD. He is a GREAT DAD. He DOES NOT pay child support, but because I didn't ask for it. He makes MUCH more money than I do, but I don't want his money. He has them 50% of the time and loves every minute of it. He has never ever ever missed his time with them, has taken FULL responsibility for them along WITH me. And my DH, struggles as a StepDad. He is not one of the "Knights in Shining Armour" that SAVED MY KIDS FROM THEIR DEADBEAT DAD. My oldest loves him, she is pretty smart for her age and understands the whole stepparent thing. But my youngest, she 90% of the time can't stand DH. She wants her dad. She feels loyalty to him and we have a hard time even getting her to get in the car with DH sometimes. She has a dad in her mind and does not understand what this other man is doing there. I don't think that my ex has filled her head with ANYTHING bad, I just think she is a daddy's girl. I guess my point here is, if us BIOMOM's could just sit back and let the kids LOVE who they want to love, and let the ex move on, and establish a new family that INCLUDES their own children without bad mouthing each other, without the competitive crap, or the "GIVE ME MY CHILD SUPPORT" then our kids would make their OWN choices on how they act, with the influence of really good parenting, and they would be just fine. My kids have the freedom to talk about their Dad with us and us with their Dad... kids should not have to deal with ADULT issues and it is mostly the BIOMOM's that do it to them. With the exception of Janice of course Wink It is these controlling women that label everyone, it is hard to get rid of those labels once they are in place... must be stuck on with superglue.

I guess I am just rambling, but really men have this problem too, it is the BIODADS that get the raw end of the deal just like us Stepmom's do.


Colorado Girl's picture

So you want to rip the children out of these men's lives and then to add insult to injury you want to take all his money too? All in the best interest of the BM....I mean children. The first two days of my husband's work week goes right into the pocket of BM, the third to daycare and health insurance, and the last two are left over for his "new" family.....yeah for us!!!! So wait, what happens if he doesn't get paid for the whole week due to illness, weather, or whatever reason? Who do you think the State of Colorado says should still get paid no matter what?!?

Anyways, I agree Daddysgurl - I never really understood these poor guys that badmouth their ex-wives and how unfair the system is until I was a witness to a totally biased custody battle. BM is so spoiled but to hear her side of the story....she's a bigger victim than Katrina survivors.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."

Most Evil's picture


TheSaneOne's picture

Good point. I have six children, three by birth, three by marriage, four live with us. I deal with the Bi-polar ex who flat out told me she doesn't like me becuse she wants him miserable. Our 6 yos are two weeks apart. My daughter's dad is great to her and generally we dont argue anymore. When he wuit trying to punish me with out daughter becuase our relationship ended and saw it hurt her, he quit. She calls her step mom on mother's day and she picks her up most times. I am just glad she has one more person in hre life that loves her. Now, if she doesn't want to go for whatever reason she doesn't have to and he doesn't make her, but, if she out of the blue wants to go over...I call him and he comes and gets her.
Its a tough situation all the way around. But I wouldn't have it any other way, even with the struggles

Frog44's picture

I agree. Biodads get the shaft big time. But for us, BM made sure that Hubby felt like a deadbeat, even if it didn't look that way to the courts. He has never tried to get out of paying CS and knows that it is his obligation to his children, because they are his kids and he loves them dearly.

I'm knicknamed stepmonster, and I love it. It's a joke with all of us. I'd rather be a stepmonster, loved and respected by my kids, then treated like a second rate person. All I can say is that there is HOPE out there. Kids are smarter then we think and/or give them credit for. They see what's going on. Ours did!

Anonymous's picture

Yeah, women are pretty darn mean spirited and cruel. I was thinking about Most Evil Quest's comment about BM being upset that her ex's living standards had improved. When my husband's ex found out we bought a new house, she told the kids she had given him a small fortune when they split up and that he had all these cash reserves he had been hiding. LOL. Know whats left of cop's salary after 71% is taken away. NOT MUCH. Sadly enough the kids believe her. (Never mind that I work a really decent job and can afford to help cover the majority of the new house because there was no choice in not doing well if I wanted a life with my husband.)

In their mind's dad is a deadbeat.

Sita Tara's picture

Double standards go both ways at times.

I also think in our case BM only wanted to keep shared custody b/c society is more forgiving of men who don't have custody than of women. In other words, it is so hard for women to lose custody that the perception is if you do you must be a bad mom. Not the case for dad, b/c it's still traditional for BM to keep custody unless she agrees to shared or she is unfit. That's changing in the courts somewhat, but not in public perception.

For instance a good friend of mine just got full custody of her daughter who's 13. She had full custody briefly after the divorce, but she had to move in with her parents, and was attending school for her BA. She didn't make any money and couldn't afford to give her daughter the stability and financial things her exH could, who remarried rather quickly. So she voluntarily gave him full custody. Then recently when she was done with school, and remarried, her exh voluntarily gave custody back!
B/c their daughter wanted to be with her mom at 13.

Here's a case of both parents doing an amazing job of putting the child before their own ego.

But my friend felt such a sense of failure at not having custody. She said that everyone always would ask why and she'd have to go through this whole explanation of the reason. And still she'd feel some people judge her- "what kind of mother are you to not have custody?"

No one does that when a dad says he doesn't have full custody.

Peace, love, and red wine

Imustbcrazy's picture

Like I said you rarely hear of a DEADBEAT when you DO hear of a mom that doesn't have custody, everyone is SO quick to assume she is a deadbeat. FOR EXAMPLE: DH and I ran into an old friend of his from childhood. Last time they saw each other DH and BM had JUST HAD SS. He asked about SS (he was with us) and asked about BM, he has kids the same age, so we were discussing getting together to let the kids play. We told him that we have the kids Mon, Thurs, Fri, and Sat. He said "WOW, BM doesn't see him much" and it was left at that. Next thing we know this guy talked to CORY (the idiot) and Cory talked to BM, and it got back to her that BM lost custody of SS and was doing heroin.... HEROIN. That is quiet the accusation! So, just by saying we have SS 4 days a week it was turned into she lost custody and was doing heroin. Just goes to show you have things get twisted...

Daddys Gurl


Sita Tara's picture

Interestingly enough BM in our case only had SD M, T, W night but counted each morning and night she saw her as a whole day. So she would tell people she had her FOUR or FIVE days a week. On what calendar??? We had SD every weekend - Thur pm through Mon am. I think THAT adds up to four nights a week. So if we had SD four nights a week, and BM had her four to five nights a week then there are ummm....8 or 9 days in every week!

So we now joke about her math- "Lets see according to BM's math our baby(born Dec 2005) would be a 3 years old her next birthday b/c she was alive in 2005 and 2006 and 2007....Oh- and on our next anniversary (March 2008) we will have been married four years b/c we were married in 2005,2006,2007, and 2008!"etc.

Peace, love, and red wine

Imustbcrazy's picture

BM has always considered Saturdays "her days" because he sleeps at her house. Well we drop him off at 7pm... so really that is ALL he does there on Saturdays, SLEEP. So in her mind she has him 4 and us 3, but in ours we have him 4 and her 3. Doesn't really matter, now we have him every other Satruday night since this last mediation... so now what? Mondays are really "hers" because he WAKES UP there, she drops him off at school.... crazy women. Doesn't really matter anyways. They just can't add I suppose.

Daddys Gurl


Frog44's picture

Maybe it makes her feel better in her world (you know where the sky is orange and the clouds pink). That way when someone asks her she can just assure them that she has him more. Who knows what goes on in their heads...I know I sure don't!!!

Pee dot ess.... Looks like math wasn't a strong subject for them in school tho! Wink