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If anyone feels like laughing

imjustthemaid's picture

This is what happened to me today! It was not funny at the time but I guess I can laugh about it now!!

BD4 does not go to preschool on Tuesdays so we decided to take one of the pugs to the pet store to walk around and maybe pick out a little toy.

We get inside, walk around and then little puggy does a huge, wet, stinky poo on the floor. Before I could open my mouth, BD4 steps in it with her sneakers!!! This is not the normal pet store we go to so we had to walk around the entire store looking for the clean up station, all the while BD4 is tracking poop thru the store!!

As we are walking and tracking poo, a little old lady is following us trying to pet the dog and tell me how cute she is.

Lets just say we will NOT be going back to that store anytime soon!!

Oh and BD4 convinced me to get one of those play houses for the hamster. Who knew it came with 400 pieces that you had to snap together!! I finally get it all together (took an hour) and DD11 has 3 of her friends come over (they are all sisters that live next door) and within minutes its in a million pieces again!!

I give up today. I am hiding in my room. And my other neighbor just called to ask if his daughter can come over until 6 because they have to bring the other one somewhere. Too many kids!! ahhhh!!!


20 plus's picture

My goofy dog pooped in homedepot the other day! He never goes in the house and was walking and pooping so I didn't notice. One of the workers pointed it out. I went 5 steps to get a bag while DH guarded tje pile and of course some guy almost stepped in it. I wanted to die. Now it is funny.

Anne Boleyn's picture


If it makes you feel better, I have one for you. One time my little brother, who we thought was potty trained, pooped his shorts in Sears. But apparently he had no undies on so we basically had a large kid turd on the floor of the store. The old lady who worked there yelled at me (I was 10) as I watching him closest while my mother was checking out. "Disgraceful... disgraceful... " she clucked.

I will never forget that.

PeanutandSons's picture


If that ever happens again....have her take her shoe off. Much less poop to clean up that way.

imjustthemaid's picture

Yes I realize that now!! Ha ha! I was holding my ginormous starbucks frappuchino, the dog leash, 2 dog toys and a hamster house!! I was just trying to quickly find that clean up station before someone else stepped in it!! She's only 4 so I couldn't leave her standing there alone guarding it. Next time either the dog comes or the kid, not both at once!! Thankfully I didn't have both pugs with me!!

imjustthemaid's picture

That is exactly what my fawn pug does!! She hates the car so she screeches and howls and jumps around the entire time. Then on the leash she pulls and gets wrapped around everything and everyone! Thats why she didn't come today!

My little black pug is an angel except she farts in the car and poops in the store. But she is so small that in the car she sits on my lap happily the entire time.

Justwantsomepeace's picture

I guess just be thankful you don't have a bigger dog? I can just see my 85 pound baby doing that and the GIANT pile.

At least it wasn't your kid Smile

imjustthemaid's picture

I could not imagine having a huge dog with huge poop!! I probably would have thrown up on top of the poo pile :sick:

Luckily I never had a poop problem with any of the kids!! Just your usual diaper explosion here and there but no toddler poop!!

Justwantsomepeace's picture

It isn't pretty I promise. Our vet says he is part goat, so not only is it poop its everything else he's eaten (socks, rags, plastic).

oldone's picture

I've looked and looked for an old post on another site. I can't remember the poster's name exactly but it was about her husband walking into a big box store and dropping turds out of his pants. I wish I could find the post as it was written SO funny. I know it just sounds gross but I was rolling in the floor laughing. Should have bookmarked it.