Anyones SK neglect
Registering for selective service?
If so, are there any consequences in this day and age?
I know you have until 29 days after your bday.
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Registering for selective service?
If so, are there any consequences in this day and age?
I know you have until 29 days after your bday.
Penalties for Failing to
It's not a game that I would play. He need to do it now, consequences will only be worse if he keeps delaying.
My husband (a veteran) has
My husband (a veteran) has told the kid multiple times.
BM opted SS out from allowing any ASVAB testing in high school and told him he couldn't go into military. Not that he was interested but I wonder if that's why he hasn't registered. Typically she undermines DH at every angle and the kid may not realize mommy doesn't make this rule.
I was just curious if there was any actual reprucussions or if it's all soft these days.