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An ACTUAL Golden Uterus

ICanMakeIt's picture

I hope the link works! I nearly wrecked when this popped up on the drive to work this morning.

In case it does not work - it's a golden uterus broach! Complete with faux pearls and diamonds! 
 I had to share! ;-) 


missgingersnap2021's picture

OMG!!! That is hilarious!!!!!! I may nee dto show this to DH and tell him SD should get it for her mom!!!!


caninelover's picture

Is this supposed to be a 'nice' gift or a 'gag' gift?  Can't figure it out!!!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

BioHo would wear that with pride. But it needs to be much bigger... *diablo*

classyNJ's picture

Ok which one of you bought it??  It's no longer available so I couldn't see what it looked liked.




CLove's picture

HAH!!! No one but a step would know what that is...