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SS is 15 today!! Only 3 more years until there is no legal responsbility to this psychopath!!

hismineandours's picture

Is it wrong of me to celebrate this?

I feel so sorry for so many of you that are just starting on this stepjourney-so glad I only have 3 more years. And, yes, I know that even as adults they can continue to be pesky influences-but dh does not see ss now and while I know that things can change-I also know that ss will NEVER set foot in my home again-NO MATTER WHAT.

If dh chooses and ss once again decides he has a father then they can have a relationship elsewhere on their own terms. Just dont involve me or mine in it. Thank you very much.

I am a little surprised that ss did not decide he wanted a father like last week or even last night. I mean, a father means gifts, right?


RedWingsFan's picture

Not wrong at all. I'll definitely be celebrating Stepdevil14's 19th birthday because that means NO MORE CHILD SUPPORT, NO MORE VISITATION REQUIREMENTS, NO MORE OBLIGATION WHATSOEVER.

I have 3 more years till my DD15 is 18 and graduates high school and I can stop paying her dad CS (which he just gives to his girlfriend to pay her Jeep payment anyway). DH and I can finally then start saving up to move out of Colorado.

bi's picture

nope, and each year that celebration needs to be a little bit bigger until he is 18 and then you go have yourself a bash with your friends! it's not his bday your celebrating, it's your freedom from him, and you deserve to be happy about it! i was thrilled when sd just moved back with her mom at 17, that felt like being released from prison. i did take a deep breath of fresh air when she was 18 because that meant no more cs. i firmly believe ncp need to support their kids, i just didn't like that we were losing money to an ungrateful f'g asshole kid. to her, everyone owes her a living, and i hated that she was getting cs as well as whatever she talked fdh into giving her.

she's getting married in less than 2 months. WOOT! she is 100% someone else's problem now!

Kes's picture

Sorry to put a damper on things, but my SD18 turned 18 in Feb, and nothing has changed. She is still in school, still comes EOW, (yuk!) and although DH will be paying the CS to her directly, from July, he is still paying it, for the moment. Sigh!

hismineandours's picture

SS doesnt live here now nor visit-so that wont change if he turns 18 or not-I will never, under any circumstances, ever allow him in my home again. We dont technically pay any cs-my mil gets a portion of dh's VA compensation/disability-it is techinically dh's income I guess, but we never see it so it doesnt feel like it comes from our household.

So for me-it's not even about a cessation of visits or cs-rather just finally free from any sort of legal obligation. My one concern over the next few years is that he is going to get himself in deep with the juvenile justice system and somehow dh will be on the hook to either pay for it all or that some well meaning individual will think its a great idea for him to be reunited with us. I want him out of high school, so my kids no longer have to attend school with him. I'm actually hoping that one happens prior to 18 as I think he will likely quit school or go to alternative school or something as he only passed gym and a mandatory computer class (with a d-) this year.

misSTEP's picture

Both skids are over 18 now. 43 days until Bitch Payments are over.

Not that I am keeping track or anything.

It's not wrong at all to countdown until a toxic influence gets the boot (more or less) from your life!

Hanny's picture

Yea, but then there's college. My SO is actually paying more a month for college expenses than he did CS. Yea, that's optional and hopefully he won't be paying for her entire college years. But then you know where the money is going too, and he likes not having to send a check to BM each month. He told his daughter what exactly he would be contributing to the college bill and told her exactly what he would give her for spending money, so it is going directly to her and the college. He says next year she needs to get student loans, but has yet to tell her this. We;ll see.

RedWingsFan's picture

To me, college is a grown adult's responsibility - not their parent's. Studies have actually shown people do better in college if they're paying their own way.

Unless it's written in the court order that either parent (or both) have to pay for their kid's college expenses, in my opinion, it shouldn't be a "given" that they do!

Starla's picture

Haha I like this post!

There is a great feeling that comes with Skids turning into an adult in my experience. My SS just became of age but its the SD that DH and I are waiting on. Things prolly won't change much, its that we worry about being sued should she hurt somebody. Won't take the worry away about somebody getting hurt by her, we both have 3 years

hismineandours's picture

This is a part of our concern to. I walk around always feeling as I should warn people about him. I am sure he will still be dangerous as he is older, but perhaps the adult legal system will deal with him more swiftly and severly than the juvenile one does.

hereiam's picture

Considering my SD was 2 years behind in school, I was oh so glad when she got married at 18.

No more child support and no more BM.

hismineandours's picture

I dont think I'll have to worry about ss going to college. I'm not seeing that on the horizon for him-I honestly dont think he will graduate from high school. So not worried about that either. I'm also thinking jail might be a future for him after 18 or if he can find some girl willing to have sex with him I could definitely see him starting his own little family at a young age.