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So how on earth do you full time stepmom's keep it going for years?

hismineandours's picture

I am starting to struggle with the fact that my ss14 is just NEVER nice to me. Now, he's not screamed or cursed at me or called me filthy names. However, he does not listen to me, he does argue with me about things, and generally he just completely ignores me. In the 6 weeks he has lived here the only conversations he has intiated with me are "Where's my dad" and "Can I have a banana". It's sad really. I have a more personal relationship with the cashier at the convenience store than I do with someone who lives in my own house. Now, if I start conversations with him he will generally answer-but typically brief one word answers-he never spontaneouly shares things with me or gives me any real information. He lies to me, he steals from me-although we've gone about a month without stealing (unless you count the Nutella).

I have no expectation that this will get better. He has treated me this way for 5 years. I just didnt have to deal with it everyday before.I have talked to him many times over the last 5years about having a better relationship, talking more, blah, blah blah. The most common response I get is that he is not interested in having a closer relationship with me. The last time I brought up was a few months ago and he did tell me that it was nothing personal he just didnt want his dad married to anyone. (We've been together since ss was 1).

I find myself feeling very resentful. Now dont get me wrong-my dh has really stepped up to the plate and does most of the ss's caretaking. But when I go do laundry, I dont bother to separate out ss's clothes-I just do them. When I cook supper several nights a week of course I cook for him. If I clean the kitchen, I am aware that he contributed to the mess. I made the kids easter baskets. I was not going to make up 3 and not a 4th for ss as that just seems like an offensive strike to me. I found some nice abercrombie clothes on sale so I picked him up some shirts when i got my other kids clothes. I pick him from detention, I pick him up from youth group, if we do an activity as a family, I am alwasy driver as my dh does not drive. And I get absolutely zip in return from him. Zip. He is NEVER nice to me. At times I will see him try and kiss up to dh so I know he knows the skills-but never to me. He never says hello, goodbye, hey it's hot out today-I get nothing. If I were carrying a big load of crap in the house-the other kids would jump up to help-he'd ignore me. If I suggest to him that something needs to be done around the house, he tells me, "no, I dont want to do that". If I tell him he has to do something-he typcially argues with me until I tell him if he doesnt do what I say then he's not eating supper that night.All of thes things I do for him I can only think of one time in which he even said "thanks". That was for the clothes. NOt the easter basket, not picking him up from detention, cooking supper for him-never is acknowledged. When he does something wrong or bad directed at me-he never apologizes. Eventually it all adds up and I get to the point where I cant stand to look at him.

WE are going on vaca next month and I really do not want to take him. Dh and I have discussed a little and basically he just asked me to hold off on making any sort of decision until it gets closer to the date. I feel like I am being mean, as he actually has made some improvements in his overall behaviors over the last few weeks, just he still treats me with such indifference. It's hard to live with that daily, but at least I go to work, I can go to my room when I get home or the basement-or I can go somwehre with my kids-on vaca we will be in a house 1/2 the size of this ours and of course it will be all family fun time! It's hard to have fun when one of the members of your party wont speak to you and lets you know they have no interest in having a relationship with you and wants you to disappear essentially. The bonus is I get to help pay for that person to have fun and help clean up after him and take care of him!


hismineandours's picture

When I talk to dh about it-he says, "you shouldnt have to do such and such for ss, I will"-and he will, eventually. But as you said that sort of defeats the purpose. SS would prefer that only dh does things for him-however, my dh has his own set of issues and gets overwhelmed pretty easily. Taking care of ss 24/7 by himself ends up leaving little time left for me or our other kids. SS is very needy and wants constant attention, needs alot of supervision and cant seemingly function independently. I do like your idea of dh not doing it either and perhaps that's what I need to talk to him about.

WickedStepMom18's picture

Guess what, skid? It's not your choice whether your father is married or not. Suck it up, grow up and show your stepmother some effing respect. His "indifference" is passive aggressive and not acceptable. Unfortunately, like all good stepmothers, you are worrying about the bond between you and the little brat skid couldn't give a rat's... So, make him care by you pulling back and appear to "stop" caring. DH needs to step up too... I know children (at that age) have to be responsible for themselves but he is also seeing that DH is allowing this dysfunction to continue which means DH is OK with it. You've been in his life for 13 years... this has to stop.

hismineandours's picture

I agree that is passive aggressive. He is completely aware of how he treats me and has admitted it on a number of occassions, but apparently is not willing to change it. Dh does step up, that's not the problem-it was years ago but he has remedied it fairly well. However, I end up feeling petty when I separate out his crap and so forth and expect dh to do it-when quite frankly I prefer that dh be spending his time doing other things such as working on projects around the house. I dont mind doing the things I do-EXCEPT for the fact that ss still treats me as I dont exist. I dont think he has to thank me each time I do a task, he doesnt have to tell me he adores me but just some acknowledgment of my existence in general would be nice. I've done the whole I'm taking me and my kids to a movie while ss stays home with dh-BUT I would really enjoy spending time with my dh and would like my kids to do so as well-plus ss does not seem to mind. He actually seems to prefer that to just stay home with dh.

hismineandours's picture

It's almost destroyed any sort of relationship I have with dhs family as well. They are not my favorite people but they are my inlaws and MY kids famiy too. They didnt even know ss well enough until recently to understand the things he was doing and he would go and spend a day with them and be great and tell them all sorts of stories about how hismineandours wouldnt take him here or there or refuses to wash his clothes or whatever. He finally spent enough time with all of them, that they sooo get it now-but I think things are probably never going to be completely repaired.

He doesnt really treat anyone well. He has huge issues with relationships in general-but as far as I can tell I am the only one he treats with complete disdain and utter indifference. This is a kid that LOVES to talk, he would talk to a complete stranger for an hour about his life given the opportunity.

I thought that if I kept doing things for him, he would at least come to recognize that I do serve a purpose for him, that I can be helpful to him, and he would be at least willing to give me some sort of consideration so that I would continue to do things or even do more things-but I really think he'd rather just do without those things so he can make a point of showing that noone can make him like me.

He's a messed up kid, for sure. It just creates a huge divide in our family and I dont like that. I dont even care if the kid likes me anymore, I really dont. Inside he can hate on me all he wants, but if I do something for it he at least ought to acknowledge it.

Justwantsomepeace's picture

Not that this fixes the core problem, but when I was a kid and didn't say thank you my parents looked at me and said "you're welcome". Works like a charm on my step kids, especially if DH or anyone else is around.

smdh's picture

Hmmm, does your dh do anything fun with him? Because if he does, there is your answer. DH can do his chores for him if he wants IF he does it on their free time, not in place of doing the other work you need him to do.

My SD is younger than your SS. She gives me attitude. She doesn't like my rules. She doesn't like me correcting her. I'm not her mother. Blah, blah, blah. SO guess what? I don't do her laundry. I don't clean her room. I don't clean up the kitchen after her. I cook for her only because I am cooking for the rest of us, but if dh is out of town, I give the baby his own meal and she is on her own. She can make herself a sandwich or not eat at all. I don't care either way. But if she eats, she has to clean up her mess. She has to put her dishes in the sink, wipe the table where she sits and sweep the floor under her chair after every meal. She does her own laundry (dh helps her turn the washer / dryer on). She dusts her own room. Her bed goes unmade. Her room never gets vaccuumed. I told dh he is welcome to do those things for her, but if he does the the time it takes him to do it gets deducted from their "game" night. Dh is way too busy to take on her responsibilities.

You don't want the responsibility and discipline of being a member of my household. Fine. But you don't get the rewards and opportunities either. Too bad for her I do all the family planning. }:)

cant win for losin's picture

Maybe it is time for you to be indifferent on the things you do for him?!!!

As far as the respect thing, yea dh should be confronting him on that.
Sometimes when my kids forget to thank me or acknowledge something i did, i tell them thanks. LOL
Yesterday we went out for dinner. In the car on the way home, i said "thanks for taking me out to dinner guys!" They giggled and said, "your welcome." and then followed up with a "thanks for dinner mom"

But ss has admitted to you he is not interested in a relationship. He is clearly indifferent about you. Of course im sure given a choice, he'd prefer you gone, but indifferent none the less. So my actions will be indifferent toward him.
I wouldn't pick up shirts just because. I would only pick up shirts when he needed some. Let dh pick up shirts just because.
Try not to think of the fact that he is eating dinner also that you cook. You would cook regardless if he was there or not right?

I dunno, just a suggestion to feel indifferent towards him.

smdh's picture

This is exactly it Can't Win... I am indifferent to SD. I am not mean to her. I don't plan around her either way. If she is here and I want to do something / go somewhere she is included. If she isn't, she is not. I don't really think about it either way. If she needs clothes for school (ie., her jeans are too short or her shirts are too tight) I will get her exactly what she needs to look respectable at school, but I don't just buy her something when I'm out and getting BS something. If I am buying something at the store because we need it and she benefits (ie, eggs, milk) great, but if she is out of her "favorite" foods (ie, grape jelly, white bread) I don't really notice. If dh asks me to get her one of those items, I will, but I don't go out of my way to put them on my list.

hismineandours's picture

Well I already feel like I give this "indifference" back to him-it's what I've tried for the last 5 years. SS doesnt mind,-he likes it actually. Because then dh steps in to do things for him-which is what ss prefers anyhow. Dh does pretty much do everything for him except the things I mentioned and he will do the things I mentioned too-but as I said it ends up taking away from time that he needs to work on household projects, time he spends with me or the other kids. Dh doesnt do anything fun with ss unless I am present-since dh doesnt drive. We dont have public transportation. SS is grounded from video games so dh doesnt play those with him. SS doesnt care. He cares about very little actually. He is kind of a miserable kid and seems intent on sticking it to me by treating me this way. His behavior has been addrssed many times over the years by both myself and dh and still he chooses to act this way.

I certainly dont clean his room or those sorts of things. In fact there is a pile of dog shit on the floor of his room thats been there for days-evidently ss enjoys having it there because he makes no effor to clean it. My dh will do his chores, but also not when i might want him to. SS14 still pees himself nightly-so if my dh gets around to washing his clothes once a week-then my house reeks of urine on a daily basis. My ss is not allowed in our laundry room because he likes to steal panties so I cant even tell him to go in there and do it on his own.

I will stop buying the clothes and little things like that, but as I said, my dh will just do it then which will just reinforce to ss that he should continue to treat me this way as then my dh will go out of his way to do things for him that he doesnt ordinarily do for the other kids (because I do it). It just creates a big divide in our family that affects all of us.