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So apparently ss14 is on probation...

hismineandours's picture

At least he said he was on facebook. He said on one post that he was suspended from school and then on another he stated he just got on probation. So I am guessing at this point that it is fairly certain that they did find drugs in his locker. I havent pushed dh into finding anything else out and I just saw the probation comment this morning. I did pass it on to dh.

I dont know how to feel about this. On one hand, I guess it is good that he is finally entered the system. I know they will drug test him regularly which will be good. On another hand, I am sorta amazed how a kid can get suspended for weeks on end and be placed on probation with a parent not being notified. I also know that drug testing and probation have some fees so I am wondering if mil is ever going to get around to telling dh? I just dont understand the need for the secrecy? Is mil trying to "protect" ss? Or is she trying to "exclude" dh by withholding this information?

I realize that dh can call the school and the probation officer and just find out for himself, but we've only found out about these things "accidentally". We would not have even necessarily been alerted that there was a problem. We used to be able to get online and see his grades/attendance/disciplinary actions, but for whatever reason we were locked out a few weeks ago right before all this happened. I dont know if it was some glitch with the system or something someone (like mil) did purposely.

So, really, what does everyone think dh should do? Dh has a super hard time making decisions and I truly feel he will probably do whatever I recommend. Dh can call and find all this stuff out, but then what the heck does he do with it? The fact remains that our home is still not a possiblity for ss, bm has likely not changed her mind either-so even if dh knows all this what options does he have? SS has told dh that he is "done" with him-mil apparently is done with the lot of us-so we arent going to get any info from either of them or no cooperation. I am just not sure what we should do here if anything. And yes, I am saying we, as dh and I are a unit-I want to help him do the "right" thing whatever that may be.


Kes's picture

I would suggest DH contacts SS's probation officer and find out what has gone on, and what, if anything, DH can do to help the situation. This, I imagine, might be limited by SS's unwillingness to have any contact with DH. But at least he will have tried.

hismineandours's picture

Yes, I guess he could do this. He would probably feel better himself if he knew that he tried to be a "support".

hismineandours's picture

Wow-I dont even remember posting that, but yes according to my sitter he did. I didnt witness it, but she was VERY disturbed and she was not the type to get disturbed easily. She said she almost quit sitting for us that day and as it turns out she quit sitting altogether a few months later after having done it for 15 years. I always wondered how much of a role ss played in that decision!

I dont disagree with you about his future. I try not to be a negative person,nor a hateful one, but I really really feel that there is NO chance to turn this kid around. We have tried. I know bm has tried in her way. Even my wicked mil has tried in her own way I believe. That's why I am hesitant for dh or us to get too involved because I feel like we are just exposing ourselves and our other kids to more drama and trauma when the end result will still be the same.

I think the kid needs some sort of MASSIVE intervention. I dont even think that would help, but I think at this point we are certainly way past the point of dh meeting him for lunch, counseling appointments, etc-he needs something like juvenile detention or some sort of intensive program (which of course we cannot afford).

stepmomto3bioto1's picture

I personally feel that the more Valid & Truthful info you can get- the better!! Id definitely have DH call Both the School & the Probation Officer. Id call the school for 3 reasons; a. Why wasnt your DH notified by the school?? B. what Did occcur with the locker search. & C. You need the Valid codes to see his grades -Or- have them administratively change it!!! Your DH Should be consulted with on All areas of his Academia!!!! Why is the school Not following Protocol?? Somethings Not right about this!!

He Definitely has the right to call the probation officer!!! If it were me, I sure as hell would want to know what is happening with my child even if he didnt live with me!!! Dont allow yourselves to get blindsighted a year from now when SS is making his one call to your DH to bail him out of jail!! Id sure as hell would wanna know what I was dealing with!!!

Please have DH call Both places!!! Maybe your DH could lobby to get the courts/schools & most importantly MIL to get that kid into drug rehab/therapy & some major counseling!!! In the end, atleast if nothing else- your DH can say to his son with all certainty that he tried to help him!!!! Although- based on hid scary behaviours-- I think we all know SS is gonna end up in jail anyhow!!! Let DH have peace in mind that atleast he tried.

hismineandours's picture

Yeah, I kinda wonder how this happened as well. You'd think the school and law enforcement would naturally inform the legal guardian of these type issues, I dont know if mil is stating that she is the legal guardian and they are not asking for proof or if they are just assuming. However, the school is small enough that I know they are aware that dh is ss's father and that we have other kids in the school. They certainly know of his existence and also can conveniently look at my dd's info to get our phone number. Mil changed all his paperwork at school and it had only her phone number and address listed.

And I am like you. I dont like to be blindsided. I want to know what is going on. As far as therapy, I doubt it will ever happen. I work for the local community mental health center. Our county probation refers kids into us for tx when they have an alcohol or drug related charge. My ss cannot be seen here because he is my relative. Our policies prevent any of our family members from being seen in our offices. And my mil does not think the kid needs any help. Using drugs is normal in their opinion.

Anon2009's picture

"I also know that drug testing and probation have some fees so I am wondering if mil is ever going to get around to telling dh? I just dont understand the need for the secrecy? Is mil trying to "protect" ss? Or is she trying to "exclude" dh by withholding this information?"

DH should contact the probation officer and tell him/her the history of this situation. Given that part of that history includes DH's knowingly letting SS go live with a pot farmer, I do not know exactly how they will react to that. I know that if I were the probation officer, I would definitely not be pleased about that.

Was DH getting along/communicating ok with MIL when he sent SS to live there? Because if their communication then was as poor as it is now, I don't think he should expect to hear anything about this from her, or should be disappointed by it. I think his best bet is to talk with the probation officer.

hismineandours's picture

Dh and mil's relationship started to go down hill when ss went to live with her the first time-summer of 2011. Because she immediately started this exclusion thing-at that time the plan was always for him to come back and live with us but we were just going to work on transitioning him in rather than doing it abruptly since bm threw him out. He was to visit every single week. Mil signed him up an out of school district without telling dh, would say she would bring him for visits and then no show, when he'd ask about it she'd say she didnt feel like bringng him over. However, they still managed to speak some and "get along"-but it was just strange how she treated him.

But things got REALLY bad several months after ss moved in the second time and it had nothing to do with ss. My sil stole dh's identity and opened a bunch of credit cards in his name, he filed a police report, they investigated and arrested her. Dh's whole family blames him and thinks he's a piece of shit for doing this to poor sil. That's when mil, fil completely stopped speaking to him and even acknowledging him.

I am thinking its a no go with dh telling the probation officer that fil is a pot farmer. He just wouldnt do that to them and frankly it would again leave us without a place for ss.