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not skid related-but once again inlaw related...

hismineandours's picture

Sooo-the latest-the victim's advocate called dh on Monday and asked him if he was sure he wanted to proceed since the perp was his sister. He said yes. She told him the warrant had been issued-however best we can tell she is still out there creating chaos. He gets a text from her yesterday-telling him to tell ME to leave her alone-and for the last time she didnt steal from him and that she wasnt going to tell any family secrets (?), but she is going to get me for sharing my work information-that's confidential and against the law and that she saved all those messages. Then she told him that my mil wants to "nail my ass". Um, ok? I have barely spoke to my sil in the 12 years dh and I have been married-seriously-maybe 10 actual times in 12 years? We exchanged a few facebook messages. Maybe on two or three occassions over 12 years. I can most assuredly state that I have never shared any client information with this crazy nutsack. I have never shared any with my mil either. I have no idea what this crazy nut is talking about. The only thing I can think is that one of the family members does come to my agency. I am, of course, aware of it. My dh is aware of it-not because I told him but because the family member told him. The family member quit coming, but then recently resumed. As far as my dh knows the family member never quit coming. Dh no longer talks to said family member, but has mentioned seeing his vehicle parked in front of our office. I have certainly shared nothing about his care as I know nothing about it to share. Records are electronic and I do not have access to his info. I have over the years mentioned various cts to dh-without using names.

But I am kind of freaking out here. At times I have had confidential documents in my home. In my laptop bag, or in my purse, for example. Dh feels quite certain that sil has had entry to our home without our permission or knowledge so I am freaking out that she has somehow obtained these documents, copied them, or whatnot. Dh is questioning whether she somehow has monitored HIS text messages. As in he would text me and say, "I see "family member's" vehicle in front of your office when i drove by. My response would be something like, "Oh?" or something noncommittal-nothing that would really get me in trouble, but I still dont even want accusations like that flying around. My mil works at the hospital in which I provide emergency services for. She works in the ER. so there are times in which I may have to deal with her directly on cts-it has not come up in some time so I have been fortunate, but it could literally occur almost any day and now that has me worried.

My dh does not wish to speak to ANY of his family members and I support that. So theres not really anything I expect HIM to do here-but just how crazy are these people? I'm not bothering them, or talking to them-the last thing I did was send sil a facebook message asking her to please leave dh alone last week (after she called and texted 50 times)as he did not wish to talk. Then she called our home phone at 11:30 and sent me a text telling me to Eff off, psycho. I dont know whether we should pursue a protective order-I wish theyd hurry up and arrest her happy ass so she'd leave us alone.


Jsmom's picture

Get a RO. You need to protect yourself from her professionally and personally. I would take all these texts to the police.

hismineandours's picture

My dh said something about the police told him they were already monitoring her texts. I personally think she is just trying to cover her ass. Lying and saying she didnt steal anything, and then bringing up things that have nothing to do with the issue to detract from herself. My dh is beginnning to think she has a multiple personality disorder. But my vote is still that it is just manipulation. I am just really surprised that they (meaning sil and mil) are trying to go after my career. It's a seriously low blow.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

Tell your lawyer your concerns. That's who will be able to help you (and calm you down). Even if she did trespass on your property, enter your home illegally and steal your confedential client information, it is in no way your fault.