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Addendum to my ss is the nastiest creature on earth...

hismineandours's picture

So he was told to clean room last night-instead I find him outside playing basketball. He said he couldnt clean until he did the mountain of laundry in his room and since the washing machine was in use-he couldnt do anything. I pointed out to him that he could pick up the dog shit off the floor and he could put the plastic sheet on his bed and make it if he had any available sheets. I told him the plastic sheet was under his bed where he left it. So he does go back there and gets it-brings it out and there is literally a pool of urine in the middle of it. He said I cant use this-"look at it!" Um, yeah, its covered in your piss. Take it outside, wash it off and stick it on your bed. He told me that our dogs went in there, crawled under his bed, and pissed right in the middle of this wadded up plastic sheet. He said "It cant be me I havent used it for two weeks!" I was like "Exactly that's why its turning brown! The dogs could not pee that much if they tried".

OMG! There's been a puddle of urine fermenting in his room for like 2 weeks and he just left it there. He had to know when he took it off his bed. I shouldnt be surprised as this is not the first time it has happened. A year or so ago when he was just visiting he would sleep on a futon in my ds's room. He had a plastic sheet for that which he disliked. So didnt use it most of the time. One week after he left-the room kept smelling sooo bad. Finally I decided I just had to go in there and do a deep cleaning. I reached under the futon and touched somehting wet-pulled it and it was surprise! a wadded up plastic sheet with a brown puddle of urine in the middle of it. I gagged. I went and got dh and told him he needed to take care of it. He came upstairs and he gagged.

I try not to say much about his bedwetting, because dd10 still bedwets-not as much as ss14-but still some. Even my ds12 still has "accidents" about once a month-although they are not really accidents it's from when he drinks too much soda. However, we've never had these sorts of problems from the other kids. My ds12 does his own laundry without being told. All of it-whether its' urinated on or not. If he has an "accident" he's embarrassed and will take his laundry up and do it within 24 hours. My dd10 has been learning to do her own laundry and she has been starting her wet blankets and such as well. Both dd and ds keep a plastic sheet on their bed all the time-so no ruined mattress, no odor.

My ss will not even try to not wet the bed. He wont limit his fluids in teh evening-he doesnt make sure he goes to the bathroom before bed. Nothing. Because he cant help it he says. So why bother to try? We are discussing getting a bedwetting alarm-I've just held back as they are 100.00 and I know he wont use it. If he wont use a plastic sheet it's silly to think he is going to stick something to his underwear at night that's going to wake him up. Oh, well I might as well go ahead and purchase it-if he doesnt use it I can have my dd10 use it.


hismineandours's picture

No he has no medical problem-apparently there are some bedwetting genes on both sides of our family! Since my ds12 still has the once a month I try to be understanding. And dd10 probably still wets 2-3 times a week. SS14 probably wets 7 nights a week. I think there has been a few rare times when he hasnt. Sometimes he wets himself twice in one night. He might get up and change his clothes and then will go back to sleep and wet himself again.

He has been tried on medication and none of it works on him. My ds used to be on nasal spray for it and it was effective-but I didnt want him to be dependent on it to learn how to stay dry so I took him off a few years ago and we deal with the occassioanl accidents. I just never put my dd10 on it as she has continued to make progress over time and has less and less wet nights-as I said I prefer them to do it on their own.

Family dr wouldnt give us meds-told us to try the alarm instead. Again the meds never worked before so I imagine its pointless anyway.

One of my big frustrations with all this is just his utter lack of responsbility. So you've got a problem? Ok, fine. Then deal with it. If this is YOUR problem that you have (that doesnt appear to be going away) you need to learn to take care of it. In 4 years he will be out on his own-how on earth he ever thinks hes going to find a woman to sleep with him is beyond me. Can you imagine what his home would look like?

Dory's picture

Yes, years ago I got to know one of the moms in school who also had this problem. She was in her thirties and still had accidents. Poor woman wet the bed the first time she slept with her now-DH and she went on to become a physiotherapist specialising in weak bladders???

Nonetheless, SS knows he has this problem but he is not dealing with it the way that your 2 bios are dealing with their accidents - in a hygienic manner. So if there is a genetic bed wetting problem present, it's not the bed-wetting that is the main issue but rather the refusal to clean up after himself.

Who wants to sleep in a room that smells of urine and dog shit?