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Laying the groundwork

Helena.Handbasket's picture

SD is 16. She will "graduate" (we'll see) in two more years. I have already been laying the groundwork for what we will do with her room when she -how do I put to to SO- "goes off to college or whatever she decides to do"

Oh the baby will be in this room or we will. We currently have a 4 bedroom. I've even talked him in to painting neutral colors in her room for when "we do something else with it and she's moved out".

She's only here part time anyway. She's lucky she had her own room at all, with her ugly paint colors.

Perhaps we will sell and get a 3 bedroom at that time. }:)


Sweetnothings's picture

It's a good idea to like plant the thought seeds now..... I did it with DH in the past, concerning what we would do with sd21's room when she went off to schoool. ( it became a Gym )

Since we moved into a larger house, we too, have enough rooms for them to have their " own " rooms , but I didn't let it happen. They are our guest rooms, painted beautifully and well, available to our guests. Never again, will I allow shrines in our house, and if the skids left anything behind I would scoop it up and throw it away.

Sd21, even used Dh for "storage" in the past to keep her stuff that even the nasty BM didn't want anymore in HER house !! So you can imagine the crap we had !! Needless to say, DH gave her a time limit, that came and went, again and again, we discussed it again, and then it was thrown out. End of story.