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MIL visit

harleygirl's picture

So I haven't seen or spoke to MIL since May. Today is DH birthday so I invited her for dinner. She accepted. Now I'm a nervous wreck. I really don't want drama on DH birthday I'm just praying she is respectful and nice cause if she gives me the cold shoulder or is hateful it won't be pretty.

I also told DH that if ANYTHING gets judged or reported back to BM she will never be welcome in our home again. He totally agreed thank god. I just hope she gets her head out of her butt and realizes DH is way more important than that greedy, selfish, hateful BM and focuses her loyalty back to him. He is such a wonderful man and deserves better.

Anyway lots of finger crosses for me tonight!!!


giveitago's picture

Ohhh...all those months is a long time. Things can be forgiven or they can fester and flare up.
I'd bear in mind that it's DH's birthday and try to keep it as positive as you can. I'm afraid there's nothing I can tell you about the anxiety, I'd feel the same way I think. At least DH is on YOUR side!
This might sound a bit unrealistic but if you can try to keep the conversaton positive, if you hear it veering off try to bring the focus back to the fact that it's a birthday celebration and not a bitch fest for her to spoil? You can do it!

LauraKR's picture

I've got the mother in law from hell so i feel for you.
If she kicks off kill it straight way (the kick off, not the MIL)
Good luck