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Taking Bets on BM

HappyCow's picture

My optimistic DH thinks that BM will send 2 months worth of CS this weekend when she brings SD16 home on Sunday.

I think he is crazy.

This is the same BM who would call DH on the 1st of each month demanding to know where her CS was. She would go on about how expensive it is to raise her child. Now I find it very humorous that SD16 is now three times as expensive as she was even two years ago but BM is two months late again on CS.

The kicker is she told SD16 that she was going to buy her a car and pay for college! Funny how she can't even pay her CS each month but she is magically going to have enough money for college and a new car.

Can you tell that I am bitter? I do try to hide it. }:)


DaizyDuke's picture

Gotta love the ole BM double standard! BM1 and GBM were ALWAYS hounding DH for money for this, money for that, can you pay CS early I need it to pay the cable bill etc etc Just constant horse crap. But gee... when SD16 moved in with us for 2 years, guess how much money we got from BM???? The big fat zilch, nada, goose egg. And when DH DID file for CS (which he later withdrew..grrrr) BM1 had the biggest fucking hissy fit you've ever seen. Really????

HappyCow's picture

Holy cow it really gets me fired up. Once when DH had lost his sales job we missed a month of CS. BM was fully aware it was going to happen and it was paid back in full the following month. That was the only time we ever missed a CS payment. There were times early in our marriage that we did without basic necessities to make sure she got her precious CS. According to BM at the time she couldn't believe that he would not support his child!

I so want to throw this in her face.

Glassslipper's picture

LMAO When I ready your statement:
"Funny how she can't even pay her CS each month but she is magically going to have enough money for college and a new car"

I thought maybe will magically come up with the money, but I think your more likely to get a rabbit out of her hat than a check...Good Luck!

thinkthrice's picture

Maybe she'll do what the Girhippo did for Chef's b-day. Print off an inkjet card with ink still dripping and insert three lottery tickets. One for each skid.