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Convo Between DH and SD15 (Still Feeling Good about full time SD)

HappyCow's picture

In the past before we had full custody of SD15 on Saturday mornings DH would drive to pick up SD15 and be at her BM’s house at 9:00am and then on Sunday night BM would pick up SD15 between 8:00-9:00pm. Now DH drives her home on Sat morning and BM drops her off on Sunday. Yesterday, at around 4:00 SD15 walks into the house and I was surprised to see her so early but I didn’t think too much into it and continued my laundry rounds and cleaning the house.

Later on in the night I overheard this conversation between SD15 and DH. (not perfect word for word but pretty close)

DH: Hey, why are you home so early do you have a lot of homework to finish?
SD15: No, I just wanted to come home.
DH: Oh, ok. Good to have you home now we can talk HappyCow into ordering Chinese food for diner.
SD15: Yeah, that is part of the reason I wanted to come home is because I know that I will eat here. Also, I never noticed before how gross BM’s house is. It’s so dirty Dad. It’s nice to come home to a clean house and have food and stuff to eat.
DH: We are crazy like that.
SD15: Dad, when I was at BM’s house I was looking around thinking how did I ever live like this for so long. I also realized that this is the longest I have not had to fight or cry with anyone. BM was upset that I wanted to come home early and gave me a hard time about it.
DH: What did she say?
SD15: Well, that on Dad’s weekends she wouldn’t pick me up until late because she wanted to give me extra time with you and she didn’t understand why I wanted her to drop me off early. I told her that the only reason that she picked me up so late was because she was too lazy to get me earlier.
DH: How did she take that?
SD15: She didn’t say anything she knew it was true.
SD15: I am so happy here Dad.
DH: I am happy you are here also. Now go clean the bathroom before Happy notices you forgot to do it on Friday.

I know that there are going to be hard times coming with SD15 but after overhearing this I am still feeling good about the situation. Here's to easy living lasting.


hereiam's picture

Very nice that she appreciates her dad and you. Sounds like this one has a chance.

Dawn-Moderator's picture

Sometimes they do have that light bulb moment. My Ss's moment happened at 17. There was much less controversy in our house after that.

Good for her!

HappyCow's picture

Just FYI she did clean the bathroom but before she did she asked me how I wanted it done so it was done right. Love this kid! She also asked me how often she needed to wash her sheets and I told her I do ours every week. I asked when she changed them at BM's house. Her reply was when they started to smell. Yuck!! I am happy that at least my OCD cleaning will teach SD15 how to take care of herself and her home in the future!!