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Stepson's attitude towards my daughter.

happy mom's picture

I noticed that my stepson (9 yrs old), is being so rude to my daughter (5 yrs old). It's like he judges everything she does and always putting her down and scolding her. She's not doing anything to harm him or hurt him at all. Can you help me figure this one out? It's like he hates her or something.


skye22's picture

I would talk to him about the behavior. Let him know that in "this house we treat eachother with respect and love." Or even "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Even bio brothers and sisters fight, I think some of it is normal. But that doesn't mean you shoulds allow it either. He is old enough to understand how to treat others. Did you have brothers and sisters? What did your parents say when you would fight?

happy mom's picture

I do lecture him about his mannerism and to stop picking on her but I have to constantly remind him. I have 9 brothers and sisters and we were never at each others nerves every minute. It's just disturbing to see this all the time. My daughter has been very good towards her brother and always happy to see him come and visit.